Author Topic: 9/11 Anniversary.  (Read 13197 times)

Maybe they did plan it when you fold a 20 dollar bill you can see the twin towers burning. Then after 9/11 they changed the 20 dollar bill so it does'nt do that anymore.



Didn't they hang him?

You guys, sorry to say but it did happen. And if you're thinking there is something fishy with the entire thing, there is.

I would like to turn your attention to a small part of history after the end of the cold war

It starts to get interesting at "Insurrection" and "Foreign involvement and aid to the mujahideen"

Basically in the years before 1979, Afghanistan was building up some tension due to the feuding political bodies at the time. After a few mishaps and "accidents", it broke up into an all out revolution. The Soviet Union, much earlier on at 1919, had formed several agreements and Afghanistan effectively became the Soviet's pet project. Russia had become in charge of the military training of the afghan military and began providing other types of aids as well.

In 1979, the afghan governing body requested military action from the Soviet to help quell the turbulence. So the soviet dispatched regimes and began siezing control of the country.

Now where it gets interesting is when the US gets involved. At the time, the US were trying to seize control of the Persian Gulf, where all the fancy oil stuff was at the time. Anyways, the US decided "Oh ho them nasty soviets coming too close to our oil, let's help the afghan resistance!" and they armed and trained the resistance to combat the Russian forces. Russia withdrew, and the US immediately stopped all support for the resistance forces and simply left the scene without really giving a care to the fate of the country. That resistance dissolved into several groups who began feuding after they had seized control of the country. One of these groups became the Taliban, and they took control of the country up until 2001 when the US got pissed because they used those training sessions the US provided to them a few years back to infiltrate the US and the rest is history.

So the US indirectly caused the whole 9/11 thing by getting loving involved in a war they were simply not supposed to stick their nose in in the first place. But really, don't take my word for it, go read up on some articles. Avoid any media-related stuff though, the media is idiotic and 99% of their facts are baseless and not the entire story if ever right.
Cold war, to put it mildly was a chess game. Any time we could have humiliated the Soviets and made them look stupid, we tried. With varying marks of success.

Also Canada's doing it to itself, now they can't guarantee their own production of energy for example. Too bad, your law makers are stupider than ours.

And of course...

Conspiracy theorists often overlook logical conclusion and substitute it with circumstantial evidence and add some implausible event. Even though the facts all point to the same conclusion. I mean facts as the real definition, conclusive evidence.

Didn't they hang him?
No, they let him drink Nestea.
Because I can spell Nestea using a $20 dollar bill.

No, they let him drink Nestea.
Because I can spell Nestea using a $20 dollar bill.

lol, you.


For all of you who think this is a conspiracy and that the government paid people to tell lies and what I saw outside my window was PIXAR's latest animation, go forget yourself. I don't know how many times I have posted in a topic saying that I saw what happened with my own two eyes. And I cried. Go away, all of you.

I was about to say something but I couldn't justify it well enough.

For all of you who think this is a conspiracy and that the government paid people to tell lies and what I saw outside my window was PIXAR's latest animation, go forget yourself. I don't know how many times I have posted in a topic saying that I saw what happened with my own two eyes. And I cried. Go away, all of you.

lol, indian people living in new york.

lol, indian people living in new york.
Lol your from Georgia.

Heres my say in all this:

It was a tragic time, we all know that. But for those of you who say it's a  conspiracy, I don't disagree with you, I just:

And as for 9/11 itself, well, I usually don't feel neccisarily too bad. But then again, I was 8 when it happened. But watching a documentary made by CNN in AP US History does bring on some heavy feelings. And then the ironic part was next block I had to play happy mowtown hits in Marching Band. I mean WTF.

So what I'm saying is, whether you think its a conspiracy, were too young to remember, or just plain actually give a damn about something greater than yourselves, then you know as well as I do that it happened. And it will never go away, and though try as we might, we won't get over it. But by letting it tear us down into arguments about whether it was a conspiracy and whether or not it really happened, is letting those people who did it win. Just, sit down for once, and ask yourself: "what would I have done if anyone I knew or loved worked in those buildings or the pentagon, or was on any of those flights. And let not forget those who sacrificed their lives to stop Flight 93 from going most likley into the capital building. And whether or not you believe in a god, remember, those were peoples lives. Something we'll never get back, and all of those people had other people who loved them and had to deal with that.

No it will never be funny. No not enough time will pace that we'll forget about it. No one forgets Pearl Harbor, no one forgets JFK, no one will forget this. Be proud that your government, no matter how much you hate it, actually gives you the rights to say the things your saying. And for those of you who think communism is the answer, just forget off now :D.

As for the Europeans, I can't tell you to like us, nor can I ask you to hold big ceremonies or what not. But I do ask that you remember WWI and WWII, you arrogant bastards.

So all Americans, please just (and I mean this in one of the most serious ways this meme can mean) sit down and STFU.

Now a moment of silence for those who- Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.

At school they did a required school-wide moment of silence at then end of the day...  All they did was broadcast a still image of the American flag on closed cercit televison across the school...

Wow, my school sure does give a crap, huh Wally?

Heres my say in all this:

It was a tragic time, we all know that. But for those of you who say it's a  conspiracy, I don't disagree with you, I just:
And as for 9/11 itself, well, I usually don't feel neccisarily too bad. But then again, I was 8 when it happened. But watching a documentary made by CNN in AP US History does bring on some heavy feelings. And then the ironic part was next block I had to play happy mowtown hits in Marching Band. I mean WTF.

So what I'm saying is, whether you think its a conspiracy, were too young to remember, or just plain actually give a damn about something greater than yourselves, then you know as well as I do that it happened. And it will never go away, and though try as we might, we won't get over it. But by letting it tear us down into arguments about whether it was a conspiracy and whether or not it really happened, is letting those people who did it win. Just, sit down for once, and ask yourself: "what would I have done if anyone I knew or loved worked in those buildings or the pentagon, or was on any of those flights. And let not forget those who sacrificed their lives to stop Flight 93 from going most likley into the capital building. And whether or not you believe in a god, remember, those were peoples lives. Something we'll never get back, and all of those people had other people who loved them and had to deal with that.

No it will never be funny. No not enough time will pace that we'll forget about it. No one forgets Pearl Harbor, no one forgets JFK, no one will forget this. Be proud that your government, no matter how much you hate it, actually gives you the rights to say the things your saying. And for those of you who think communism is the answer, just forget off now :D.

As for the Europeans, I can't tell you to like us, nor can I ask you to hold big ceremonies or what not. But I do ask that you remember WWI and WWII, you arrogant bastards.

So all Americans, please just (and I mean this in one of the most serious ways this meme can mean) sit down and STFU.

Now a moment of silence for those who- Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.

Damn you, I was thinking "epic response" all up until that last line. Then I had to ROFL. Well played. *standing ovation* But still, most of the content written is damned true. Amen.

i saw that link and thought 'i swear to god if this is loose change...'

i clicked it and in one fell swoop i lost all respect for you

get out of here
You never had respect for me. So you don't need to say anything.