Author Topic: What April Fools have you seen this year?  (Read 4594 times)

Chrisfix's video on how to replace a muffler bearing

we gotta get spongebob back 2

researchhub's automatic video sharing on facebook

An art site I visit (which I'm not going to name because reasons) changed it's colorscheme to deviantart's
War Thunder shows off the greatest submitted videos ever
War Thunder also added modern tanks and helicopters
also in a discord chat I go to all of the mods changed their names and avatars to adobe products

Reddit added a new subreddit called 'place' which is some kind of community pixel art thing. Also /r/buildapc became /r/the_linus.

/r/the_donald is /r/the_guacbowl

The only april fools I've seen don't really count because they're fools all year round.

zdoom's forum is placing animal names at users beginning names. It looks cool XDD

armyunit told me he was working on the water pack :(

/r/stardustcrusaders is now /r/lovelivecrusaders.
tumblr has some kind of horse minigame in the corner