

12 because im a douche
9 (10.5%)
10:30 and 1:30 because im a handicapped soccer mom who drives like stuff
4 (4.7%)
9 and 3 because im a noob
17 (19.8%)
3 because my car has no cupholders so i have the coffee on my left hand
1 (1.2%)
9 because im a pro driver and my right hand is on fhe gearshift
11 (12.8%)
6:30 because im a dad doing a longass roadtrip
11 (12.8%)
3 because shifting with 9 because I live in a silly place
1 (1.2%)
Knee on 7
10 (11.6%)
Look ma, no hands!
22 (25.6%)

Total Members Voted: 64

Author Topic: How do you grab the STEERING WHEEL???  (Read 6050 times)

when i was in high school i knew the road my route was on so well i could drive to and from school almost without ever needing to touch the wheel. i memorized all the cracks and potholes i needed to hit so that my car would make the ever so slight turns it needed to make to keep straight in the lane

ive tried keeping this up since then since its so handy and comfortable

i sit in the backseat and use hockey sticks to turn the wheel

pastor says to let Jesus take the wheel

i drive with my left hand on 12 otherwise 9 and 3

i drive with my left hand on 12 otherwise 9 and 3
[ width=400]https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/13126750_485510518314627_1931536669_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTI0NTA2ODg2OTU4NzI3NjYxMg%3D%3D.2.l[/img]

9 and phone for txting

more often than not it's 8 and 2