
If you could control the average BL user/forumer's age, how old would they be?

I stand neutral on the matter.
I hate all age groups collectively. ♥

Author Topic: Poll & Why: user age  (Read 3638 times)

This is not a poll for some totalitarianistic age limit. It's asking what your preferred average age of users is.

142 votes and 13 hate all age groups evenly. I'm glad to say I'm a part of that category.

Ideally nobody is perfect, but I'd I had to choose between say, meggey (early 20s) and axo (I believe he's 12, either that or I'm misinformed and I apologize) is rather have meggey, for multiple reasons. (though if axo is 12, I still think he's pretty chill.)

18+ please.
This. Quite frankly, I would love seeing an adult board/section of boards.

This. Quite frankly, I would love seeing an adult board/section of boards.

So long as you don't make any Gritty Grapnel vagina jokes, you would fit into that group, so I can see why. Only downside of 18+ is they'd all e busy alot... College, work, military...

I voted 18+ but right away wished I voted 13+ Oh look at that a remove vote option

But really the issue isn't age but rather maturity; I've seen young kids who are really mature, and adults who are really immature.

142 votes and 13 hate all age groups evenly. I'm glad to say I'm a part of that category.

Ideally nobody is perfect, but I'd I had to choose between say, meggey (early 20s) and axo (I believe he's 12, either that or I'm misinformed and I apologize) is rather have meggey, for multiple reasons. (though if axo is 12, I still think he's pretty chill.)
Who's Meggey? And Axolotl is fifteen, I think.

Meggey's a friend of mine, he has his own City RPG mod that's on par with, if not better than, iban's V3, possibly wink's (in my opinion) and he occasionally hosts for me, as well as hosting a minecraft server that I played on for a month. We SA eachother on our servers and just hang out.

He's like 24.
Regardless, point stands, I would pick meggey over generally any younger patron, because meggey tends to be more useful / helpful / funny 90% of the time.

Typical Blockland age conversations
18-30= I can be an starfish and a nice guy guy depending on my mood, and the friendry of OP.
I love this so much

I'm nearing 13 and I think I fit in okay .-.

anyway 13+ is ok with me

Jesus I thought you were way older than that good job being mature

Gritty Grapnel vagina jokes

So I was banging this dead kid...

I wouldn't mind it being 18+ (as long as I could still be here)
Because then I wouldn't have to post censored anime pics and could just go all out.
It would be glorious.