Author Topic: Could someone recommend me an IDE?  (Read 827 times)

I need a free C++ compiler, preferably one I don't have to shell execute (mainly because that just gets on my nerves).

Edit: Actually I probably could look into buying something as long as it isn't too expensive.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2013, 06:09:06 PM by Pecon »

Code::Blocks, Visual Studio, or Geany, in order of personal preference.

I use Visual C++ 2010 Express.

Code::Blocks, Visual Studio, or Geany, in order of personal preference.

I personally use Code::Blocks.

CodeBlocks for sure. Visual Studio is a mess and requires you to do unnecessary stuff to compile c++ programs.

Yeah, I love the debugging tools in Notepad++. The auto-breakpoint locating works great too, now I don't have to worry about deleting all my art assets accidentally! It conveniently deletes the .exe file instead!

4 pounds of C4 and a cellphone.

4 pounds of C4 and a cellphone.
2/10 would not read again.

4 pounds of C4 and a cellphone.
I read it as IED first too.

Eclipse is pretty good.

I agree.  Eclipse is originally for Java, but the C++ compiler also works very well.