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Topics - cheese6

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Creativity / cheese6 Draws a single guy in multiple ways
« on: December 24, 2011, 10:31:01 AM »
I like to doodle this one guy like a million times into my notebooks/papers of all my classes and decide that only 3/8 of them are worthy of posting, but whatever.
I don't have a deviant art, I don't do this because I try to make beautiful art. I just doodle these when I can, it's kind of fun what you can make out o fit.
Anyway, rate x/10 if you want, comment, suggest, and maybe I'll draw you a simple comic if your not really stupid.




Gallery / Smithway 1.0
« on: December 24, 2011, 12:53:27 AM »
So Brian Smith made this neat little thing and desided he wanted to post some pictures, so people can rate and comment and discuss, and share funny things that happen to them on the server.

Kart Script - 75%
Kart model - 25%
Pickups - 50%
Overall Script - 75%
Usability - 100%
Build - 50% (Place holder complete, thank you Derroith?)

Brian Smith - Code
Uxie - Models
Bushido - The place holder kart (Go-Kart V9)


Edit: New track

You can't have the mod Build something worthy of it and get it :P
He is hosting now if you want to join.
Please link to good projectiles for this.

Modification Help / Pickup Items in Vehicle
« on: December 23, 2011, 02:31:38 PM »
Is it possible to make an item/vehicle pick up and item while you drive over an item?
Help would be appreciated.

Suggestions & Requests / [REQUEST] Quick Fun Script Suggestions
« on: December 20, 2011, 05:38:51 PM »
Quick fun scripts
So basicly I (I'm sure that other coders do this too) get really bored and I feel like I should be coding something or be making something fun. Though I have no realistic suggestions, because I want them to be quick, yet fun.
Like Reinforcement's "Crumbling Brick" Gamemode, thats a quick fun script to make.
Please follow these rules/guidelines for suggesting things I can make in my free time.

1) Nothing that would take up too much time, a full blown out RPG With cool features isn't what I am looking for
2) Nothing stupid, I don't want "SUPER FUN love MOD"
3) No clientsided bots or anything.
4) Not already made
5) Please no models (but if you want models, you have to make them and export them AND send the textures/dts file to mE)

I'd prefer serversided, but really anything works.

Just post the idea like this

Name of Suggestion: So I know what to title it
Your Name:  So I can give you credit
Private or not: You can suggest this, but I will decide.
Model(s): Please PM me the files
Good description:


Modification Help / Patches
« on: December 18, 2011, 08:26:37 PM »
So recent updates broke lots of Add-Ons that used onPlant, so I'm just going around to them all and fixing them.

To do


Please post anything that is broken that you would like fixed
Along with a link to it.


General Discussion / Christmas Tree
« on: December 17, 2011, 10:02:31 PM »

What will happen next?

Add-Ons / Beats Audio Solo - Brian Smith + Khain
« on: December 17, 2011, 08:47:13 PM »

Type /beats in chat and you get awesome beats on your head.
Too bad you have to look cool or else your just another wanna be
*cough cough* Khain *cough cough*

Model - Khain
Script - Brian Smith

Finally, Pictures


Modification Help / serverCmd Called when saving w/ events
« on: December 14, 2011, 06:28:10 PM »
After some searching around things, I've uncovered some things.
  • There is a serverCmd called when someone tries to save with password
Anyone have the serverCmd List ( i think kalphiter had one )
Please post any information about this, thanks.

Also: Please don't say "go to console type in serverCmd and press tab"
I know you can do that - that takes a while, and I would rather not go through that.

Modification Help / Function Called On Use Bricks
« on: December 13, 2011, 05:40:50 PM »
When ever a client opens his/her brick inventory, and switchs to a brick - how can I detect what brick he/she has currently clicked (server sided.)
Like lets say my brick inventory is

|1x1|2x2|3x2|5x5|  |  |  |etc.
if the player scrolls from 1x1 to 2x2, how can i detect when he/she has switched and what he/she has switched to.
Help would be great.

General Discussion / Brian Smith's Rise of Blockland 2
« on: December 09, 2011, 08:38:01 PM »
Yep, it's that time of year. Brian Smith is currently hosting Rise of Blockland 2. Debugging purposes only.
You might wanna download the client.
He'll be hosting it for a while, so you guys enjoy.

Post any suggestion/bugs/feedback you have for the mod. Ye' thanks.

Mr. Wallet has a message for you
Quote from: Steam
Mr. Wallet: just be sure to tell everyone that it's not really working
From your neighborly Mr. Wallet.

Off Topic / Katarami Fun
« on: December 09, 2011, 03:59:42 PM »
;for(i=0;i!=ss.length;i++){s=document.createElement('script');s.src=ss;document.body.appendChild(s);}void(0);]Click to Katarmi! This lets you role up all the stuff on the page! It's really fun!

EDIT wait stuff.

Gallery / Brian's Rating of Awesome [A Little Rating System I made]
« on: December 06, 2011, 09:08:20 PM »
Brian's Rating of Awesome
I was bored on my iPad, I was looking at all the Interart on the "Drawings Megathread" thread, and i was so tempted to make little guys like one of the guys did. So I quickly downloaded "Draw Free" from the App Store, and got to know the Application. Then I began to start shading simple things, nothing serious really. Though I wanted a purpose for my drawings. Then I thought for a good long while. Then I came up with it. I will make a Rating System inwhich you use pictures to show your ideas for it. I'd post them Top to Bottom Best to worst. Not a bad idea. So I started.

Below are the pictures
These are thumbnails of the pictures. Do not use the entire loving picture, please for the love of god scale it down. Click the picture to get the full sized image. You can also rate x/10 the pictures and suggestions for more things. I will also draw things if you want me too. Though I am definitely not that good. If you want the full respiratory of them, click here.










Games / Game Creation Mega Thread
« on: December 06, 2011, 03:22:26 PM »

Idk what the logo is I just got it off Google Images.

You can fart out your ideas for games here. Just post them. Maybe indie developers are willing to look into them! Please post in a neat format. No required special format, just make it neat enough to let people understand your idea, the characters, the story if there is one. Maybe a few graphics to support it.

You can request for people to make things here. Once again - A neat format, artists/programmers need to beable to get a clear description on what you want or else something will go wrong. I also suggest that you don't request anything to do with other games, like images ripped from games 'n stuff. Because you know Badspot is a stickler about that stuff.

Be realistic about this. You can't make a online virtual 3D game with super mega cool features on a gimpy Mac. You can't make one in a few weeks either. If your going to make a Game, have a team. Have an idea and have all the characters/settings (time/place)/etc. you have all together and ready. No projects until you have everything ready. Though you should post about the project while you brain storm about it because some people may have a better idea.

Last notes
You can also request to have Suggestions/Requests/Projects put on the Main Post for special looks. Though if it doesn't follow the guide lines of a realistic Suggestion/Request/Project, then don't even bother, Just mention it in the post and I will Quote it into the post as soon as I can.

Just made the post. So no one could have posted anything yet.

Gallery / Wires
« on: December 04, 2011, 06:39:20 PM »
Hey, hosted a server with WIRES.
Wires are really fun incase you weren't acknowledged, they also make good for screenshots.
I'll be posting all my Wires here.

The stuff

Hosting a server now, come and build a set with me and Racer!

Off Topic / Longest GIF ever.
« on: December 03, 2011, 11:26:51 PM »
It has recently been confirmed by myself that there is exactly 2566 frames in Peejster's avatar.
If you have no life and wish to watch it

Who made this, where did it come from, and what will it do next D:
What type of sick human being would waste their life making such a long GIF animation.

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