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46 (28.4%)
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36 (22.2%)
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23 (14.2%)

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Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 429566 times)

their alistar OP
Why Doran's Shield and Trinity Force?

Garen's a good champ to start out with and he branches well into the solo top role - you're playing a decently tanky champion who can still deal damage. As a suggestion for next time, while Guardian's Angel may seem like the best item in the game, and in some cases it is, if you look at how hard you're crushing the enemy team, and you look at their type of damage (hint: Ryze, their only legitimate source of magic damage, disconnected), you could make better item choices: for suggestions on items for tanky champions, i'd say sunfire cape was a good choice. You could have then built the item "Atma's Impaler," which gives you a %age of your health as damage rather than building a Last Whisper, so instead of getting more damage (your Teemo was doing enough damage to the enemy team for you to basically become a full tank, and I'll tell you right now: Garen's only good moves in lategame are his Q and his W. His R has too big of a cooldown to be really considered much, but it is nice.

Sorry about big wall of text.
Also, don't buy runes before you hit level 20. It's a waste of your IP as once you hit 20 you'll have more powerful runes.

I will consider that. Thanks.

Why Doran's Shield and Trinity Force?
i'm assuming he's following recommended
which just builds him fulltank

there's almost 0 situations in which ali shouldn't have boots at that point in the game

there's almost 0 situations in which ali shouldn't have boots at that point in the game
The only situation I can think of is level 1.

Why Doran's Shield and Trinity Force?

Because they're level 1-5s

Tried Tristana for the first time.

>MFW I can kill turrets in a couple shots.

Try singed, all you do is run around and troll people  :cookieMonster:

We should get together some time and play.

I went 12/11/12 as Veigar, enemy mid Lux went 6/5 and she thought she beat me.
Their Hecarim got fed off of my teammates earlygame and continually ganked me and yet I still beat her mid easily.
I'm getting angry.

I went 12/11/12 as Veigar, enemy mid Lux went 6/5 and she thought she beat me.
Their Hecarim got fed off of my teammates earlygame and continually ganked me and yet I still beat her mid easily.
I'm getting angry.
the exact same thing happened to me when i played kassadin

also, dominion swain is super op

We should get together some time and play.
i honestly don't mean this offensively or anything.. it's just that if we didn't wait i would feel like a snake for crushing level 1-10s with my level 30 runes and all. i realize there are smurfs, it just doesn't feel right.
i'll play with you at 30

i know you weren't talking to me ;-;

Got too angry; played awfully next game.
We lost and I went 6/6.
AFK Riven who fed Vayne first blood etc.; I was negative mid.

this game... it felt like we were playing against bots they were so bad

not sure why they went all AD, it made it easy to counter with armor

They didn't go all AD. Look at Lee Sin.  :cookieMonster:

he sold his items at around level 10 and gave up, running around with an empty inventory
then he bought AP stuff..
only his sheild scales on AP though