Author Topic: Val - Why Isn't He Banned?  (Read 20689 times)

despite being told by half the community to piss off. Self awareness level zero.

more people like me than you

Odd, I thought this drama was about Val not Mr. Bones

Say that to everyone else too. You're not very sly about who's side you're on, even if everyone else is guilty of the same stuff in the same thread.

Wait didn't u already reply to this lol

i might actually have to agree with red spy
Odd, I thought this drama was about Val not Mr. Bones
he made it all about himself and isnt helping his case

Either way, undermining someones point because of their tone is stupid.
My words must be deafening to you then lol, sorry I hurt your feefees.
That's just how the Internet is. Refer to that ragecomic Baddy made.
Wow what a surprise, a person is being a richard so I'm a richard back to them. Funny how that works, almost like I am defending myself. Are you really not putting two and two together here, am I supposed to take other peoples bullstuff on the chin? Should I pull a Bolster and just run away from criticism? As I stated earlier about seth, killing people with kindness doesn't get you far. Just get some thick skin. I already stated in a earlier post that there are people who come off as angry pricks and yet they're praised, like Mcjob. I'm not saying I want praise, but don't act like I am the only one on the net who's a culprit of being a big meanie to people.
Pretty bold statement to make, why are you riding his rooster lol?
You sound like the dumb one for assuming his intentions.

christ dude you're so stubborn

christ dude you're so stubborn
stfu, kott, he just wants to hear others opinions on the subject don’t u kno?? :cookieMonster:

Responding to stupidity with often kindness like someone such as gr8dayseth will just make you look fake, as seth was accused of being.
woah why am i being brought into this? that's not what he was even saying

it's not a thread by Mr. Bones if the tides haven't turned against him by page 10

He NeEdS tO bE bAnNeD bEcAuSe HeS a FuRrY


itt: someone bitches about a old furry/blhack user who hasn't posted in a while and gets stuff flung back at him

How did this happen?