Author Topic: Post a fact V1  (Read 6152 times)

Italians are crazy ass drivers.

When you call someone a dork, you're actually calling them a whale snake.

I'm not even joking.

During his/her whole life, a person eats around 8 spiders in his/her sleep.
This is actually false, as spiders cannot stand carbon dioxide, therefore keeping far away from your nose or mouth.

PopcornLadder is wrong.

Someone once wrote "whale rooster" on a children's playground.

Someone once wrote "whale rooster" on a children's playground.
i bet it was kevin

im onto you you ginger SnapBack wearing forget

PopcornLadder is wrong.

Someone once wrote "whale rooster" on a children's playground.
In some sort of way that isn't bad. They're just saying dork!

PopcornLadder is wrong.

Someone once wrote "whale rooster" on a children's playground.
Okay, maybe I was wrong. But here's a real fact;
Human testicles have an average temperature of 95°. So when it's 95° outside, it's literally hot as balls.

PopcornLadder double posted twice. That's as many as two ones. And that's terrible.

Italians are crazy ass drivers.
I'm there right now, and I can confirm this 100%. A golden rule is, if the green man goes away while you are on the road, you ded.


The Mir mine in Siberia is so large helicopters are prohibited from flying over it because they would get sucked in due to temperature differences and unexpected currents caused by the mine's size

The cause of the most deaths in the Sahara desert is drowning.

Due to their similar protein composition, blood can be used as an egg substitute in baking and making ice cream.

We all have parasites.

The average human falls asleep within 7 minutes. (Then comes the other stages of sleep)

We are all Rotondo

The longest word in the Webster dictionary without vowels (excluding the letter "y") is "psst".