Author Topic: Versions to Versions V2  (Read 5855 times)

  • Added new /lol69 command.
Removed revisions, removed admin, removed hosts.
Added doges, DLC for more bricks
Add-ons now cost $0.60 a file
Replaced skyboxes with pure colors
removed half the default color-set
removed all color-set add-ons

  • Deleted bricks
  • Banned RTB
  • Added /hailme to crash the master server and you become the owner of blockland

- Added apocalypse 2012 gamemode. Dramatically!
- Jumped back to r2012, cause owner felt like it.
- Ephialtes clones Riddler and makes him new owner of Blockland.
- Badspot got destroyed.
- Homoloveuals, Biloveual and shemales are not allowed in blockland anymore.
- "Kill da Jews" gamemode. Very exclusive and popular.
- Blowing a blow.


-Added Family RP gamemode
-Fixed the ioexception for rogol::start after MACE implementation
-Accidentally deleted master server (oops!)
-Version system is now complete nonsense
« Last Edit: May 19, 2013, 01:19:15 AM by Electrk »


added dm church
blockbot announced as a real person
added blockland cloud
kalphiters hosting service becomes only hosting service
forum allows research

removed revisions
removed research
added Riddler

V35 r2368327839387293832027483738 37666666661233337373737
Removed all bricks except 1x1 and no more colors only red
Added spam to crash whole server in one click!
Removed Shadows
Added Removed Only Shaders
Added Terrain And Interiors but every map costs $2936828282 each.
Removed e tard filter and you can only chat in leetspeak

Executive is removed from the dev team for making bad ideas.

Executive is removed from the dev team for making bad ideas.

Executive says awwww.

Removed all bricks except 1x1 and no more colors only red



-Reverted everything to v34 but with a different version (nonsense again)
-Forums are now accessible from in-game
-You are now auto-banned if you even mention interiors or terrain
-Removed color red and 1x1s to prevent spam

v35, electrk was perma-banned for trying to insult another user using the word interior

+It costs  $1000 for 1 brick
-Perma Banned Everyone For Complaining About Nothing
+Added Battlefield 3
+Gave 1 Mil People a Key For 100 Bucks
-Removed Nothing
+Added Nothing
+Replaced Torque Engine With A Custom Game Engine Which Means NO MORE MODS
+Added Everything