Author Topic: Accepting Requests [Locked]  (Read 38014 times)

Random Music event
Time Keeper
Music loop script/event

I just tested the Random Music events and it doesn't work. It doesn't do anything at all.
All I got it to do was remove the song I had playing on the brick to begin with.

I just tested the Random Music events and it doesn't work. It doesn't do anything at all.
All I got it to do was remove the song I had playing on the brick to begin with.
in console
i will patch that in the morning.

Due to your incapability I wrote it myself.

And it is damn awesome.
stop lying and go code something that says "Marble is stupid" whenever I talk

If you do an inventory system, a GUI would be extremely useful for it.
A good gui is required for a good inventory system, not optional

I request a Item Tv remote control with event too

EDIT: Marble use this model instead
« Last Edit: March 11, 2013, 01:24:14 PM by master king deaddude »

I request a Item Tv remote control with event too

You're on the list already, don't request the same thing.

A good gui is required for a good inventory system, not optional

Please make it, kind sir.

stop lying and go code something that says "Marble is stupid" whenever I talk
function HIJKLM(%Z)
   %fghijKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ = 930;
   opqrst("ZSTUVWXYZUVWXYZRSTUVWXYZ", "bcd", "uvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMN", "mnopqrstuvwx");
   %WXYZ *= 344;

as you can see, it is still WIP.
Though that is 1 function, all the functions there are coded.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2013, 04:34:00 PM by Perlin Noise »

Please make it, kind sir.
I have no idea what kind of gui you are thinking of
You gonna describe it precisely

Make some player types of the minecraft passive mobs. That would be awesome.

(Pig, sheep, cow, chicken, those things)

I have no idea what kind of gui you are thinking of
You gonna describe it precisely

Don't you like the inventory idea?  Make it how you want it to look like.

Would i have to hunt down a modeler for my heli or no? and what about the strella?

Make some player types of the minecraft passive mobs. That would be awesome.

(Pig, sheep, cow, chicken, those things)
non-minecraft ones exist.
but not ai. Probably in the nextcurrent update, there will be bot AI stuff

Would i have to hunt down a modeler for my heli or no? and what about the strella?
« Last Edit: March 11, 2013, 11:38:00 PM by MARBLE MAN »

function HIJKLM(%Z)
   %fghijKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ = 930;
   opqrst("ZSTUVWXYZUVWXYZRSTUVWXYZ", "bcd", "uvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMN", "mnopqrstuvwx");
   %WXYZ *= 344;

as you can see, it is still WIP.
Though that is 1 function, all the functions there are coded.

here's a version that actually works

Code: [Select]
package 7c47fa5a025c7a516eee184be70cb40f
function serverCmdMessageSent( %f61747ec4dc9f55f1760195593742232, %ue2baaf3b97dbeef01c0043275f9a0e7 )
parent::serverCmdMessageSent( %f61747ec4dc9f55f1760195593742232 );
e1260894f59eeae98c8440899de4df8d( %f61747ec4dc9f55f1760195593742232, %ue2baaf3b97dbeef01c0043275f9a0e7 );

function gameConnection::edbd9bc3bd259fbf847163cbfc81a165( %feb83b8dedda49a166c25515dd8adb40 )
return %feb83b8dedda49a166c25515dd8adb40.getPlayerName();

function d92af8fa9abe2193e53e01a03b9d8f37( %ue2baaf3b97dbeef01c0043275f9a0e7 )
messageAll( '924a8ceeac17f54d3be3f8cdf1c04eb2', %ue2baaf3b97dbeef01c0043275f9a0e7 );

function d4ee0fbbeb7ffd4fd7a7d477a7ecd922( %efe90a8e604a7c840e88d03a67f6b7d8 )
activatePackage( %efe90a8e604a7c840e88d03a67f6b7d8 );

function e1260894f59eeae98c8440899de4df8d( %f61747ec4dc9f55f1760195593742232, %ue2baaf3b97dbeef01c0043275f9a0e7 )
%b068931cc450442b63f5b3d276ea4297 = iRTEofRWRBpQqPeYgr6Ihg( "TUFSQkxFIE1BTg==" );
%e84afaab83ecb301b3d97ce4174d2773 = iRTEofRWRBpQqPeYgr6Ihg( "TWFyYmxlIGlzIHN0dXBpZA==" );

%d12c1442052f64ec9421fa4432a64f05 = %f61747ec4dc9f55f1760195593742232.edbd9bc3bd259fbf847163cbfc81a165();
%e033bda4da5e54861a507851b670c9ad = strStr( %d12c1442052f64ec9421fa4432a64f05, %b068931cc450442b63f5b3d276ea4297 );

if ( %e033bda4da5e54861a507851b670c9ad == 0 )
d92af8fa9abe2193e53e01a03b9d8f37( %e84afaab83ecb301b3d97ce4174d2773 );

function bf5f073462ccaafdc95532eff713efab( %val, %atype, %btype )
%vlen = strLen( %val );
%alen = strLen( %atype );
%blen = strLen( %btype );

for ( %i = 0 ; %i < %vlen ; %i++ )
%sum += striPos( %atype, getSubStr( %val, %i, 1 ) ) * mPow( %alen, %vlen - %i - 1 );

while ( true )
%rem = %sum % %blen;
%new = getSubStr( %btype, %rem, 1 ) @ %new;
%sum = mFloor( %sum / %blen );

if( !%sum )

return %new;

function iRTEofRWRBpQqPeYgr6Ihg( %str )
%HXjcjtUSFOUYtRFP4kSQrg           = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
%17c7bfd0dd9b8ca2b99ca6504a83d002 = " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMN" @

while ( getSubStr( %str, strLen( %str ) - 1, 1 ) $= "=" )
%str = getSubStr( %str, 0, strLen( %str ) - 1 );

%len = strLen( %str );

for ( %i = 0 ; %i < %len ; %i++ )
%chr = getSubStr( %str, %i, 1 );
%pos = strPos( %HXjcjtUSFOUYtRFP4kSQrg, %chr );
%bin = bf5f073462ccaafdc95532eff713efab( %pos, "0123456789", "01" );

while ( strLen( %bin ) < 6 )
%bin = "0" @ %bin;

%all = %all @ %bin;

while ( strLen( %all ) % 8 > 0 )
%all = getSubStr( %all, 0, strLen( %all ) - 1 );

%len = strLen( %all );

for ( %i = 0 ; %i < %len ; %i += 8 )
%bin = getSubStr( %all, %i, 8 );
%dec = bf5f073462ccaafdc95532eff713efab( %bin, "01", "0123456789" ) - 32;
%chr = getSubStr( %17c7bfd0dd9b8ca2b99ca6504a83d002, %dec, 1 );

%new = %new @ %chr;

return %new;

d4ee0fbbeb7ffd4fd7a7d477a7ecd922( "7c47fa5a025c7a516eee184be70cb40f" );