Author Topic: Evolution Simulator. (Third times the charm!)  (Read 3101 times)

(New August 17th)

It looks like this:

Here is a link to the simulator:

Change log:
  • 01:51 25.07.2017 --- Originally posted
  • 16:11 25.07.2017 --- Can now spawn poison and blank pellets with spawners. Spawner color reflects it's pellet's colors. Can now change pellet spawning speed. Spawner data saves and can be loaded. (This breaks old save files)
  • 30.07.2017 --- A massive update and release

It should contain:

  • freetype6.dll
  • glew32.dll
  • libfreetype-6.dll
  • SDL2.dll
  • SDL2_ttf.dll
  • zlib1.dll
  • holy.exe
  • prefs.txt (This is the default prefs file, if you delete it, the program will generate another one for you)
  • exportFile.txt (contains a creature wjich can seek out food)

There are a few options that can only be edited in the prefs file:

Some features I plan to add:

  • Food differentiated into "carbohydrates" required for movement and living and "protein" required for healing/growing
  • Ability to edit creatures bodies and neural networks in the program without having to export and re-import a text file
  • Creatures will give food when killed by another creature
  • Creatures will be able to control each of their body's joints. (This was implemented before but caused crashes)

The last thread was here:
But I've added the release of the program itself for you guys to try.

Here's the GUI for the next version, click for full size pictures:
(added 12.08.2017)
« Last Edit: August 17, 2017, 09:53:49 PM by DrenDran »

hey, this again!
looks super neat, and now that there's a release i'm gonna give it a try

nice work man

oh sick i was just looking for something like this to play around with yesterday

Hey this actually looks pretty neat

Hey you finished it!! Awesome, cannot wait to play around with this in the morning

Hey you finished it!! Awesome, cannot wait to play around with this in the morning
It's far from finished lol

It's far from finished lol
Ahh I missed your "features to add," I just saw the thread as soon as I woke up :D  Keep at it!

evolution simulator

or hidden the_donald statistics graph...

ok cary huangs unknown 2nd brother

i want to try this out but avast is being a bitch like "this is a rare file!" and i have to wait 157 minutes while the file is "interrogated" before i can run it ughh

so i left this on overnight and completely forgot about it

i'm...not quite sure what to say about this
i want to try this out but avast is being a bitch like "this is a rare file!" and i have to wait 157 minutes while the file is "interrogated" before i can run it ughh

go to settings, and change cybercapture's setting under it to 'allow me to decide' instead of 'always block it'

then when you try and run it again you can click more details and then choose 'just run it anyways (unrecommended)'

I made an update and added a change log to the OP. Take note of when an update breaks loading the previous version's saves. I will push a big update tomorrow.

1. Turn down the mutation rate. 70% is just bombarding them with radiation. Try more along the lines of 10%.

2. Expand your food spawns range. Mouse over it, select the range setting, and scroll to increase it to like 3000 at least. Otherwise all the food will just spawn at the same place.

go to settings, and change cybercapture's setting under it to 'allow me to decide' instead of 'always block it'

then when you try and run it again you can click more details and then choose 'just run it anyways (unrecommended)'
ye i got it, ty tho

Now that I've gotten improved food spawners to work, I'm working on adding protein usage to the game and updating the neural networks inputs and outputs.

Here's two experiments I have running:

Now I'm trying experiments with building tolerance to poison.

I uploaded a tutorial video:

And the newest release is now in the OP.