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Topics - Axolotl2

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Drama / Axo-Tak
« on: April 22, 2013, 10:13:40 PM »
Making self-dramas are a stupid thing to do but I just want this out of my chest, and that I'd get into trouble no matter what I did, even without people posting a drama about the events I did. People know and tell about these bad things, and treat them just as badly whether there's a drama topic about it or not.

I ruined IcyGamma and Greekgeeker. The first person barely deserved it but the second one didn't deserve it at all. In fact, nobody deserves the cruel things that I manage to do. I'm even scared that I might do these things in the future in real life (it'd be nice to also tell me tips on how to make me stop doing stupid things like this, because a simple "just don't do it" or something along that line won't help since I already know that I shouldn't do these things).

If you want to exploit the stupid things I did by telling them to the friends I value the most just to make them hate me (using a scheme to befriend them and tell them about it later on when they trust you is an example of this, there are other examples but this is a case where free spirit must apply, and not word-by-word), then that probably shows that you are an idiot that intends to disrupt people.

I might be overreacting about this, though, but both of the people I did this to were very serious about it.

Since some of you don't know what I did, I'll summarize both things:
This drama was sort of resolved and explained in this topic.

He takes on a more formal attitude (he has friends who take on this formal attitude, also) and he leads many things, which explains why I feel really guilty about this.

I told the forums about one of his secrets (which I should've indirectly implied as a secret, but instead, I barely had a moral compass and I just gave it out).

I should be (and am going to be) permanently banned from the forums and hated for both what I did and my reactions to peoples' responses to what I did.

Drama / Suspicious Steam message sent by MaroonCacti
« on: April 13, 2013, 03:43:13 AM »
Maroon normally doesn't talk like this. I'm just assuming that he got taken over by Lando.
12:40 AM - MaroonCacti: hey
12:40 AM - Axo-Tak: belly
12:40 AM - MaroonCacti: lando the climber made a forum
12:40 AM - MaroonCacti: thats like
12:40 AM - MaroonCacti: uh
12:40 AM - Axo-Tak: a forum that steals your pass
12:40 AM - MaroonCacti: theb lockland forum
12:40 AM - MaroonCacti: no
12:40 AM - MaroonCacti: trust me
12:40 AM - MaroonCacti: we are having so much fun
12:40 AM - MaroonCacti: no rules
12:40 AM - MaroonCacti: theres a research board
12:41 AM - MaroonCacti: (removed)
12:44 AM - MaroonCacti: the word fun is auto censored to "intercourse"

Off Topic / "Why are you now Axo-Tak? What's Metatoki?"
« on: April 10, 2013, 12:41:21 AM »
I'm not trying to push the toki fandom into the Blockland community, but it's just that so many people are confused about what MetaToki is and why my name is now Axo-Tak.

What's a toki?
I don't have a good base image yet. I might draw another rough sketch with some info over the weekend.

What's the toki fandom?
A group of 50-100+ people with a toki OC. This all started about 4-5 years ago on a site called which Max4344 can give info about.

I'm warning you that most of the members are just bandwagoning 10 to 12-year-olds.

Why is your name Axo-Tak?
Tenshi is curious.
People with the "-Tak" suffix on their usernames are usually people in the toki fandom or ones with a toki OC. Most of the time, people have a "main" account name on Scratch (like scratchyguy123456) and another toki account (like Scratchy-Tak) with a -Tak suffix. I am this way, "frogger3140" was repurposed into a test account and "Axo-Tak" was made into my main account.

On Blockland, my "MetaToki" clantags and my name "Axo-Tak" are a beacon for other toki fandom members in case there's actually another one in the Blockland community.

What's Metatoki?
We are a group of 11 people (as of the 9th of April 2013) who make things. The main 8 are basically one group where all of them are friends) (NOTE: BBCIGaming in the Metatoki deviantArt group isn't a main member, he was admined on accident; Cryo-Tak, however, forgot his deviantArt password (and he's one of the main 8) and thus couldn't accept the invite into the Metatoki deviantArt group.)

I'm not one of the main 8 but I'll (hopefully) become the 9th main one after I contribute enough to the group.

A sort of more clear explanation:

Toki Lore
I am not giving you the link, but most of the toki lore was created by the one running the toki fandom, during 2010 (when she was just sort of getting used to drawing).

Will this make raycasts able to use this bitmask, or are bitmasks hardcoded into the game so that I can't make my own brick mask?

Code: [Select]
$TypeMasks::FxBrickSpecialObjectType = 1073741824; //*crosses fingers that this won't conflict in later versions*

package TypeMask_SpecialBricks
    function fxDTSBrick::getType( %this )
        %type = parent::getType(%this);
        if( %this.getDatablock().useSpecialMask )
            return %type | $TypeMasks::FxBrickSpecialObjectType;
            return %type;

Can somebody explain the difference between the two typemask types? I searched.

I'm not posting the link because I am worried that it's a shock image.

Hints: It's hosted on imgur, and I got messaged by both users at 10-second intervals. Suspicious.

The MetaToki Center: Shop, do business, sniff flowers.

The MetaToki Center is a mall that will have 16+ 32x slots for people to build their shops in.
Welcome Center
The center has a very stupid blockheadhelpful guide who will tell you things about the center and what MetaToki is all about.

(not started, will get started on the bot soon)
Orange is a good color
The center uses accents of orange with complementing grays in order to make it look better.
Making a Shop/Office
It's easy on the first floor, just delete a panel and build there.

I can't believe I have to bring this up, even if it's been pushed around many times.

Intel processors by themselves are only meant for 2D and simple 3D operations. They are not meant for shader operations.
Quote from: (anonymized)
Well this sucks balls.
I have all this processing power and graphics card can't do stuff with low shadows.
I hope badspot fixes this soon >:(

Intel has advanced their CPU technology far (and so has AMD), but the processor-integrated GPUs are only meant for simple operations.

It's your fault for not checking if the laptop or small form-factor desktop you bought had a discrete GPU or not.

If you have a desktop that actually has a vacant PCI Express slot, you're at luck. Just put in a newer graphics card and swap the PSU out (if your current PSU can't handle a new graphics card).

What the title says.

Rule 1a: Only use server-grade components if you pick a server-grade CPU, etc.
Rule 1b: All parts must be compatible with eachother. (No AMD on an Intel mobo, etc)
Rule 2: Go for the best specs possible.
Rule 3: It must be in a case.

Games / Does somebody else on here play SimCity 5?
« on: March 17, 2013, 09:09:20 PM »
I'm lonely on my region, all the other ones are full, and I don't know anyone else on here who has it.

Xazo says he's never heard of this game before, and I am explaining to him about this game.
Raki is probably not joining this game.

Both are probably trustable because they haven't trolled or messed me up within the 3-6 months I've had them on my Steam friends.

I feel like this is a rare chance because they will either reject the game, be unsure whether it's worth buying, or they'll accept the game.

This is sort of important because both of them are popular scratchrs.

Drama / Tezuni's JailRP admin team has been horribly reformed.
« on: March 16, 2013, 04:48:34 PM »
I come on the server to see no admins except for Australia.

Since tetro got de-admined and made moderator, and I was plain de-admined, I am assuming that I did something horribly wrong or there's a stuffty admin reform.

The advantages of having lots of admins
You have a flow of 2-5 eyes watching the server. Today, I only see one. ONE.

Moderators are unable to spy on people, they have to resort to suiciding and flying around with a freecam. The advantage of having an admin use /spy is that they can just spy the killer after someone is killed.

Person 1 killed Person 2.
(Person 3, an admin, spies on Person 1)
Person 2: FREEKILL!
Person 3: That is a freekill indeed.
(Person 3 kicks Person 1 and resurrects Person 2)

Now, in the current state of the "admin" team, this is the case:
Person 1 killed Person 2.
(Person 3, a moderator, is unable to spy on Person 1)
Person 2: FREEKILL!
Person 3: I don't know if that's a freekill or not.
(If Person 3 kicks Person 1, then Person 1 might be lying)
There are some ways out of this scenario, like asking other people if they can confirm if it's a freekill or asking Person 1 for an explanation.

I resign.
I resign from being admin and I request a permaban from the server.

There are 3 possible cases and all of them I dislike:
Case 1: Admin team reform. You did a horrible job by stripping down the admin team until it's just a thin wire.
Case 2: SuperAdmin abuse. It's your fault for giving that person SA, I won't play your server anymore because of it.
Case 3: You think I am a badmin. I did a good job on administrating the server.

Drama / Kozak stole my old name.
« on: March 13, 2013, 08:08:33 PM »
I didn't cap my old name on the 38046 BL_ID, so Kozak decided to have some fun by imposing as "Axolotl".

I am now Axo-Tak, not Axolotl.

Off Topic / For forget's sake, life (lost tablet pen)
« on: March 10, 2013, 08:46:59 PM »
I lost my tablet pen and I can't find it. I think somebody threw it away. ;_; nop

It's still lost, though.

Creativity / Axolotl works on a smooth but stupid song
« on: March 10, 2013, 04:00:25 PM »

Too many issues but this is the basic sound (bassline will hopefully be revised from 5 repeats to 4 repeats)

pfffthahahahah irregular rhythms

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