Author Topic: SlopeEdits  (Read 5505 times)

Includes dark version, flooded, and dark-flooded.

The dark maps use the sky-box from GSF San Andreas(dark). I gray scaled from it's original purple. On the original sky, after I gray scaled the sky, I brightened up the moon. In the new sky, I did left its brightness alone, so it no longer looks like a potato.


Put into the Add-Ons folder in your Blockland folder.

« Last Edit: August 15, 2009, 01:19:48 AM by Kalphiter »

Just raised water level and a dark map. I barely ever use slopes.

great for underwater RP's
No. Most likely it's good for nothing, because I haven't seen anyone use Slopes except Jouger's, but I doubt he'll use flooded.

who cares what you guys think. screw you. i really acually like this. this is pretty awesome

I don't really use slopes.

How i find blockland addons and then how i save it there?

Nick who cares if you don't use slopes, you fail :3
On topic: This is cool, its useful for stranded RPG's.