Author Topic: I want to start scripting  (Read 3359 times)


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Shadow, Torque Games' script (TorqueScript) can be accessed by opening the cs files in your program file. Your system won't recognize them, but you can open them with notepad.

Files ending with .cs are open-source and you can edit them if you want. Files ending in .cs.dso are compiled, and will stop working if you try to edit them.

If you wanna start scripting, I suggest you learn JavaScript as it makes up at least 90% of torquescript.

To script

1. Turn off computer
2. die
3. ???
4. Profit

You can't script in age of time very well, try This

ok i opened the messagebox.cs thing and all the words were things like little black boxes that said "nul" and weird things in em

All scripting starts with deleting the 'Main.cs' file in your main Age of Time folder. After deleting such, open up Age of Time. It should open up a download window and download all necessary scripting files. If it does not work, try again a few more times. If the problem persists, you probably have the Explorer virus. To get rid of it, press Ctrl+Alt+Del and go to Processes and end 'explorer.exe'. Next, open up you Age of Time folder. There should be a file called 'ScriptTutorial.txt'. Open it up and read, it taught me everything I know about TorqueScript.

^^ This is from the same person who pwned StoreClerk then Store gave him the exact same script back just edited the email and then got pwnt.

Code: [Select]
if(%entrepreneur in.isClever)
commandtoserver('Self Delete');

reach into your pants, grab the "stick", shack it, rub white stuff on cat.

dude don't act like you're 6 say "snake", or "richard", or "rooster", just don't say "Stick"

-_- I may curse on the forums, but for some reason I don't want to say a loveual organ on this forum, you snakeing rooster sucker


^^ This is from the same person who pwned StoreClerk then Store gave him the exact same script back just edited the email and then got pwnt.

Code: [Select]
if(%entrepreneur in.isClever)
commandtoserver('Self Delete');

Lol, no. I stole all of Clerk's money, good items, and got rid of his cop, and then he begged me so damn much that I pitied him and gave him my account and quit Age of Time. The whole time I was on Clerk's account I had him by the balls. I made him announce that I was uber several times, and he begged me craploads of times to give his account back, until I did.

I find it funny how Clerk has called me a liar many times, and then he goes and tells a huge whopper himself. richard.

Now now boys, Calm down.

*falls on the floor kicking and crying "Storeclerk said he hacked entrepreneur in's account! I know, you gave it to him, but he said....he said...WAAHH!!!"*

entrepreneur in, if I would've done that what would of ended up happening to my computer/internets?