Author Topic: Just saw someone actually loving die  (Read 3555 times)

me and folks saw someone die or get extremely maimed too on the 4th; we drove by it at least some guy hit a giant ass deer or something, something caused his car to roll a million times and he flew out of the windshield

I had to be like 11 (around june 2015) and when i first went to mississippi it was like 6 in the morning and me and my dad had just got there driving from IL, anyway we're going down one of the larger three lane highways and i see there's a ton of ambulances and there was a dude laying on the ground next to his bicycle, it was pretty obvious he was dead considering you could see his head wide open (brain exposed) and blood pooled around his head and neck, it was on the news later that night, dude was only in his 30's, i think he got hit, either way 11 year old me didnt forget seeing his brains on the asphalt

Your kind should be euthanized on the spot, Kansas residents are a plague on this earth.
Could argue for Florida residents.

Could argue for Florida residents.
then where are y'all gonna take your kids on vacation? checkmate

then where are y'all gonna take your kids on vacation? checkmate
the average Florida resident is like a geriatric 65 yr old

Could argue for Florida residents.
Kansas is worse, next to those weirdos from Illinois

Your kind should be euthanized on the spot, Kansas residents are a plague on this earth.
a bunch of farm weirdos aint hurt nobody. it's the californians that are the true plague (exceptions apply).

seriously, go to hollywood and you'll come out with a crack cocaine addiction

a bunch of farm weirdos aint hurt nobody. it's the californians that are the true plague (exceptions apply).
Kansas is the bane of all farm weirdos. They should be crucified for their crimes against the Mid-West.

no us state is safe

no us state is safe
Ohio, Illinois and Kansas have had it too good for too long and should be eradicated at once

honestly we should just nuke everything

the new england area is safe i guarantee it because im obviously the only person in the area

Nope, forget Mass. New Hampshire is cool state of the month, though. Its nice as forget there.

seriously, go to hollywood and you'll come out with a crack cocaine addiction

Nah you’ll just feel like stuff from all the smog & weed smoke