
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2213836 times)

Speaking of crime stats...

classic deflection. try harder. you aren't very good at this. blacks alone murder more people in two days than white supremacists in an entire year.

"minorities ruin the stats" lol what are you on bruh
It's actually very good that fake FBI crime stats have broken white supremacist's brains
Next you'll be telling me about the bell curve and how you're a race realist

called it! now i don't have to pretend you're trying anymore. thanks for playing.

which is still insane considering they're 12% of the population
iirc the majority of crime usually happens in or around cities, where the race distribution is a lot less skewed. its why the left has so many programs attempting to change these statistics through investing in programs or education in black neighborhoods to break the cycle

classic deflection. try harder. you aren't very good at this.

This debate started off because Bisjac deflected from the shooting in Palmdale to talk about black-on-black crime in the inner cities

Secondly, minorities are subjected to disproportionately affected by crime not because they have lower IQs or whatever the white supremacists like to suggest. From the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, "Neighborhoods’ incidence of violent crime is related to an array of intertwined characteristics, including poverty, segregation, and inequality; collective efficacy, disorder, trust, and institutions; job access; immigration; residential instability, foreclosures, vacancy rates, and evictions; land use and the built environment; neighborhood change; and location of housing assistance."

These problems have more to do with class than income. As a matter of fact, there's a higher rate of violence among poor, urban whites than poor, urban blacks.

Thirdly, white-on-white crime occurs at the same rate as black-on-black crime. "According to the FBI’s uniform crime-reporting data for 2016, 90.1 percent of black victims of homicide were killed by other blacks, while 83.5 percent of whites were killed by other whites. While no life is inconsequential, the statistical evidence shows that—just as for blacks when it comes to black-on-black crime—whites are mostly victimized by other whites, with the vast majority of white murders committed by whites."

Finally, inner-city communities are making efforts everyday to curb violence, like "Stop the Violence" marches and the Interrupters program in Chicago. The answer isn't more brute policing, or god forbid electing GOP mayors, but creating more job opportunities or investing in education. Read up on cyclical poverty.

Maybe we should talk about the effects of redlining and segregation creating a hotbed of crime in urban communities rather than generalized crime stats. It's a fake argument made by white supremacists because they look at the national crime rate and interpret that there's something inherently wrong with minorities rather than brown townyzing other socioeconomic factors. I know liberal arts programs are treated as soyboy bullstuff by the alt-right, but actually, education can make you a more knowledgeable person.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2018, 03:40:09 PM by LeisureSuit912 »

crime stats are a fake argument for tribals weeeeee

i love drugs

Man I love me some mature discussion and debates.

ohhh god.... rughhhhhhh too muhc.... *burp* .... szechuan sauce.... oh god... szechuan sauce overload.. .oh god my loving stomachh.... ughhhghhhgh *BUUURP* *Plop*

Oops my monocle fell out

the problem blacks have predominantly is their absolute refusal as a whole to form stable, long-lasting families with consistent incomes and good parenting.


you can't cheap out and say that all they need is "curb violence" marches when you are completely ignoring the root issues like the illegitimacy rate being over 70% for years

When Moynihan wrote in 1965 on the coming destruction of the black family, the out-of-wedlock birthrate was 25 percent among blacks. In 1991, 68 percent of black children were born outside of marriage. In 2011, 72% of Black babies were born to unwed mothers.

Crime stats aren't a valid argument when it comes to gun control ever, unless the crime stats deal with gun violence. Police are more active in minority neighborhoods therefore they have a higher quota for arrests and will end up pulling over more people in general, so just saying 'blacks commit more crime!!' is a pretty moot argument considering the obfuscated/inconclusive data
People who are scared of gun violence should start carrying. Black people are probably the largest group of people vulnerable to gun violence. All of the black men and women i know advocate self defense rather than stricter gun controls because obviously defending yourself from crime should be a feasible option.

Liberals who advocate heavy gun controls are mostly hurting minorities because you're limiting our ability to defend ourselves in dangerous neighborhoods and situations
« Last Edit: May 11, 2018, 03:47:48 PM by thegoodperry »

the problem blacks (or mondays as i like to call them ) have predominantly is their absolute refusal as a whole to form stable, long-lasting families with consistent incomes and good parenting.


[img ]https://i.imgur.com/xmdhHRG.png[/img]

you can't cheap out and say that all they need is "curb violence" marches when you are completely ignoring the root issues like the illegitimacy rate being over 70% for years

[im g]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/36/Nonmarital_Birth_Rates_in_the_United_States%2C_1940-2014.png[/img]
bro what the forget? was this REALLY necessary to your argument?