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Messages - Maxwell2

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Off Topic / Re: Public messaging Android app called machat
« on: July 14, 2015, 04:57:04 PM »

I added a section for explanation on the concept of machat.

Private messaging is an exclusive conversation between you and another person. I like to think of it as if you are both in a house with door locked. In machat the door is unlocked and the house is open to the world. You may ask how is this different from group texting? In a group text people must be invited. In machat people join and leave the house as they please.

Off Topic / Public messaging Android app called machat
« on: July 14, 2015, 04:46:57 PM »

machat is a messaging app where you talk to your friends in their house. Your house is open to the public, so others may join in your conversation!

Private messaging is an exclusive conversation between you and another person. I like to think of it as if you are both in a house with door locked. In machat the door is unlocked and the house is open to the world. You may ask how is this different from group texting? In a group text people must be invited. In machat people join and leave the house as they please.

If this sounds familiar that's because it is. I posted machat on here before but the app had some game breaking bugs and was poorly designed so I rewrote it all!

Android Only
machat is exclusive to Android but that doesn't mean it won't come to other mobile phones. If you have a non-android phone and are still interested in using machat post below!

Beginners guide
1. After you've signed up and logged in you will be presented to the app's home screen which consists of a list of houses you've favorited. At the moment you will only see your house on that list. To add more houses click the magnify glass to search for other users. You can search for my house by typing "Maxwell". You can hold down on a house to get a set of options such as to unfavorite or mute the house if you don't want to receive message notifications for that house.

2. This is someone's house. All houses are public and anyone can read or message inside them. You can favorite/unfavorite a house by pressing the heart button at the top.

1.  2.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Off Topic / Re: House Party App (machat)
« on: January 07, 2015, 09:00:27 PM »
Wow I guess everyone on the BL forums has an iPhone D:

Off Topic / Re: House Party App (machat)
« on: January 07, 2015, 08:37:22 PM »
Just remove the stuffty ms paint squares altogether. Just have regular dark gray buttons against an orange background. You could also design a pattern and apply with a Gaussian blur for the background.

Also, does this have security? Could you protect from mysql attacks or script injection?
You need to make the user sign up with an email as well, for password recovery, verification, etc.

Is the interface based off of kik? Because it looks damn close to it.

Overall, this project could have great potential IFF you execute this properly.

(PS, you want to remove the screenshots with the offensive words, especially if you want to look professional to regular customers.)
1. Snapchat has stuffty ms paint squares and people don't mind lol.
2. Yes all user input for mysql queries are parsed. All passwords are hashed SHA-1 with a salt. As for injecting java code on to the client, like XSS for the web, I believe android automatically parses all its text views.
3. I plan to add email for password recovery.
4. The only thing that's kik related would be the green message bubble.
5. Yeah I should probably take some more appropriate pictures.

one reason why things like this will never be very popular is because a lot of people don't want their house parties public. they tell their friends and have a few of their friends tag along. otherwise, people they don't necessarily want may show up, including police.

it's not that you've done a bad job or anything, it's the concept in itself.
1. I made this in the mindset of having it as public as possible. You can also block people from your house if they become a nuisance.

Off Topic / Re: House Party App (machat)
« on: January 06, 2015, 11:06:23 PM »
Sounds interesting, I'd love to try it when it comes to iOS
Thanks! I hope one day it is!

Most genius app idea 2015
Add me
NuclearNacho :D

EDIT: Help! It doesn't want to refresh D:
Is it down?
Welcome to machat my son.

Off Topic / Re: House Party App (machat)
« on: January 05, 2015, 10:31:52 PM »
The design (color palette specifically) needs work... :|
Could you explain this in depth?

Off Topic / Re: House Party App (machat)
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:18:59 PM »
This App has a lot of great ideas. If people actually join and help built it up with Maxwell good chance it might go somewhere. Atleast give it a try it is free.
Thank you I really appreciate it :) Do I know you? Your name is not familiar.

I would.........
BUT no iOS support:(
I wish so too lol. I am glad there are iOS users who want to try it out. I plan to make it for iOS once the Android version of the app gets an audience.

Off Topic / Re: House Party App (machat)
« on: January 05, 2015, 07:23:05 PM »
Yeah that is a complication. If only you could somehow get the name out. Also, the name is kind of weird. I'm assuming its short for maxwell chat? If I were you I'd name it something cool like Rager, kick back, or get together or something.
Right now I am just inviting my internet friends to test and early adopt it. I want to reassure myself that the idea is good. The name originally started out as maxchat. After saying it a few times I was like ehhh. I shortened it to machat as in ma chat, my chat, my house. It's much easier to say and unique sounding.

Off Topic / Re: House Party App (machat)
« on: January 05, 2015, 07:07:53 PM »
holy crap this could be a billion dollar idea if done right. A social network for parties? GENIUS
I wish it wasn't so hard to get people to use it D:
but thanks for the compliment :D

Off Topic / Re: House Party App (machat)
« on: January 05, 2015, 06:53:08 PM »
I wish I could  :panda: But I am glad you desire this product :cookie:

Off Topic / Re: House Party App (machat)
« on: January 05, 2015, 06:40:36 PM »
My name is Bob Saget and I approve this app.

/support -bandwagon -approve
Thank you Toke  :cookieMonster:

Off Topic / Re: House Party App (machat)
« on: January 05, 2015, 06:16:05 PM »
this is group chat with like followers
You know you don't have to post if you're not interested?

Off Topic / House Party App (machat)
« on: January 05, 2015, 05:58:28 PM »

machat is a social network where you talk to others in their homes. This allows conversations starting with only a couple people to expand into a house party! The app revolves around two core features. Following people, and favoriting houses. When you follow someone you get to view the last houses that they have talked in. Favoriting houses allows you to be notified and to quickly hop back into houses you've partied in!

machat used to be a website you can see here. I have changed many things since then, even what platform it's on.

Get it
machat is only available for Android devices with at least gingerbread. You can download it on the Google Playstore. If you are interested, search Maxwell once you have it installed, i'll get you started (:


Off Topic / Re: The list hungers
« on: July 18, 2014, 01:43:02 AM »
Mine has a proper url and a chatroom ;)

Off Topic / Re: Check out this chat site I made! []
« on: July 12, 2014, 01:59:30 AM »
maxwell just showed me this site, have a very nice interface and i like it :) hopefully it gets more people!
Thank you I glad you like it and I hope so too!

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