Author Topic: child enthusiast beaten unconscious by child's father handed 25 year prison sentence  (Read 6704 times)

If men were angels we wouldn't have government. Like wise, I doubt the child enthusiast was a great contributing of member of society or someone I would miss if they died.

We shouldn't have street justice, but if that was your kid or my kid getting abused by some greasy piece of stuff, I think both of us would have the urge to brutally destroy that person.

He was abusing this child since he was eight, this man deserves everything that's coming to him.

Yeah it's just the beating up that I think was incorrect, the image on the article is horrendous.

I feel a death sentence or lifetime in prison is more justifiable in this case.

Not the same story but a post on Reddit sums this thread up pretty well.
This country was founded upon, among other things, the belief that cruel and unusual punishment for crimes is not justice. And although the founding fathers were far from infallible and many of their beliefs have not withstood the test of time, I believe that this principle is something that always has been and always will be true.

Rape is not justice. Torture is not justice. These things are revenge, and nothing more. Revenge sometimes looks like justice, but these two things are not interchangeable.
This piece of dogstuff deserves to spend the rest of his natural life in a prison cell, and no one is denying that. But we, as a society and as human beings, cannot permit ourselves to condone or support mistreatment of prisoners.

In supporting them, even if they are this bastard, being raped, you are supporting their very humanity being denied.

Funny thing is, when you start denying the humanity of other human beings, no matter who they are, you lose a little bit of your own humanity as well.

Even if this guy doesn't deserve to be treated as a person and might even deserve to be sodomized with a baseball bat, the second we condone or support this action we are denying his personhood. Though he might not even deserve that personhood, in denying him it we ourselves lose a bit of our own. We should support the humane treatment of prisoners for our own good, if nothing else.

This person, depraved as he may be, is a person nonetheless, and when he is punished he should be punished to the fullest extent that we can punish a person.
Replace "rape" with "beaten to a pulp" and you get the jist of what he is saying.

Not the same story but a post on Reddit sums this thread up pretty well.Replace "rape" with "beaten to a pulp" and you get the jist of what he is saying.

Guess what, we've already discussed the fact this wasn't revenge. The stuffter was in the act of taping his child and use justifiable force to stop him.

Guess what, we've already discussed the fact this wasn't revenge. The stuffter was in the act of taping his child and use justifiable force to stop him.
Justifiable? The dude almost died, its a common case of vigilantism. The father could have stopped him without almost killing him.

Justifiable? The dude almost died, its a common case of vigilantism. The father could have stopped him without almost killing him.
you know this how?

you know this how?
>beaten unconscious
>lying in a pool of his own blood

>beaten unconscious
>lying in a pool of his own blood
its really easy to get knocked unconscious with hard hits to the head
i'm also really sure that the "pool of blood" was a over exaggeration i doubt he was covered head-to-toe in blood

I feel sorry for the child enthusiast;
Two wrongs don't make a right.

Beating the living stuff out of people, regardless of what they've done, isn't justice

Beating the living stuff out of people, regardless of what they've done, isn't justice
We shouldn't have street justice, but if that was your kid or my kid getting abused by some greasy piece of stuff, I think both of us would have the urge to brutally destroy that person.

just because we have the URGE to beat someone to a pulp does not mean it is the right thing to do.

you think anyone's seriously going to care about that in that kind of situation?

he should have just killed the kid. it would have pissed way less people off XD