Author Topic: Teneksi's Garage - LawnMaster '90 [8/25]  (Read 87873 times)

Sometimes when you alt tab out of the game the functionality gets borked. You can fix that by vigorously alt tabbing back and forth between the game

Erm, I have a problem with the Emperor '80. Whenever I select a color for the interior or any other part, it just colors the entire car the color I selected for that part.
Yup. I've seen this in someone's server.

Notably, it was the only car of mine they had. Try enabling other recent cars of mine alongside it (like Vanhammer). There might be a script that the Emperor needs that others have, and I might have never tested the Emperor by itself.

If that doesn't change anything, I'd have some testing to do.

Love me :cookie:

Any new vehicles coming up yet?
I wish I could give you better news, but the only thing I have hidden from you is an updated version of the Shark '70.

Is this an issue some newer version of the Shark has, or a problem with the existing one?
It became a problem with an edited version I was working on.

It's also a problem with a number of existing cars, including at least one of Filipe's, and Crown Vic 2016.

It seems to happen at random (more cars makes it more likely) when they're spawned if they have too many objects.
and I do mean objects (like parts that can be hidden/unhidden, such as headlights and CVS parts), not faces (as in polygons).

emmmm I don't understand how to use the /veh
Type /veh. There should be some text that explains it. (if there's no text at all, something's gone wrong.)

Almost all of my vehicles let you select factory colors.
Generally speaking (they're not all the same), typing "/veh c" will show you the list of factory colors.
Typing /veh followed by a number, like "/veh 1" will apply the first in that list.
Sometimes (like on the Crown Vic) it might use something other than a number, so type what the list tells you to (like "/veh A")

The earlier the vehicle is, the less helpful the text might be, but it should always tell you what to do if you read carefully.

You have to type /veh before everything.
You're not advancing through menus; all commands can be done without ever reading any text; the text is just a guide to let you know what you could type at any given time.

If you still don't get it, or if it seems broken, let me know what you're seeing.

can someone explain to me why when I press the shift brick keys nothing happens
Does any other add-on you use do anything to those keys? If not, I'm not sure what to tell you.

Any chance you're willing to upload .blend files for these as a reference (if I pinkie promise to use them as reference only and not release anything deducted from them)? If you don't want to I totally get that but the way you made them interactive is just amazing.

Since Blockland Forums went down around the same time as the new update for the Shark came out, I thought I would post something here because this topic looks as if the update never happened.
I think the new version of the shark is a big improvement over the original, and when you said you were making an update I wasn't sure it would make much of a difference but it did. I like that different years of the C3 Corvette can be recreated using it.
I am glad you were able to get the motivation to finally finish it since you said that was bugging you at my server, and hopefully you have enough motivation to continue working on your other projects now.

Thank you very much!

Yep, the forums went down right before it was ready to go, ha.

Any chance you're willing to upload .blend files for these as a reference (if I pinkie promise to use them as reference only and not release anything deducted from them)? If you don't want to I totally get that but the way you made them interactive is just amazing.
this makes me uncomfortable

The interactivity itself mostly comes from the scripts, which are readable ("readable" being generous; they probably don't have nearly as many comments as they need). The models just have named parts that get hidden according to the scripts.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2018, 07:18:01 PM by Teneksi »

Damn these cars look amazing.

Emperor Gold Package, the official car of the mega-church preacher who begrudgingly accepts mixed marriage.

my attempt at making a bump more interesting

This was an interesting surprise, I like that it actually cuts grass. All the time I had the older lawn mower enabled I never realized it could do that. Is this actually based on a real mower or is it just from your imagination?

I have also noticed a texture glitch which occurs with this as well, with shaders turned off the grey bits on the grille and around the seat become a darker version of the vehicle's base colour.

Is this actually based on a real mower or is it just from your imagination?
It's not a specific model, more of an amalgamation of parts. Mowers don't exactly go crazy with styling, so this one was easier to improvise.

I have also noticed a texture glitch which occurs with this as well, with shaders turned off the grey bits on the grille and around the seat become a darker version of the vehicle's base colour.
Ah, yep. I forgot to separate paintable and non-paintable materials like I usually do.

Ah, yep. I forgot to separate paintable and non-paintable materials like I usually do.
It doesn't seem to be that big of an issue in your vehicles, the only other vehicle of yours I have noticed to have this problem is the Hero.

now we just need drink pack addon and boomer face and boomer music and we're set

It doesn't seem to be that big of an issue in your vehicles, the only other vehicle of yours I have noticed to have this problem is the Hero.
I meant to say I usually separate them :P

but there's an update going out. while I was at it I solved a cooling issue.