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Topics - halcynthis

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5
Add-Ons / Speed Events, Sprint playertype(VCE Support!)
« on: January 15, 2015, 05:23:43 PM »
Speed events
This add-on contains a few simple events to customize a player's speed.

I am aware that there is already another add-on for this, but it didn't have the option to set individual speeds.

Contains the following events:
Player -> SetSpeed - direction - speed
Player -> SetCrouchSpeed - direction - speed
Player -> ResetSpeed
The direction is chose with a list that contains 3 options: Forward, Backward, and Side, and All.
Speed is determined by putting a number into the box. There is also VCE support allowing variable replacers to be put in place too.
ResetSpeed will reset all the player's speeds to what their current datablock defaults to.

Max speed is now 100
Added an option to set all directions at once to each of the events

VCE Support;
setSpeed and setCrouchSpeed are now a box that can have a number or variable entered.
Added the following variables;

Sprint playertype
The sprint playertype is a new player datablock that allows users to double tap their move forward key (default W) and sprint at a higher speed than normal walking. To get this addon to work, I had to make it require clients to also have the add-on. If someone joins your server when this is enabled and they don't have it, they will receive a warning message and a link to this topic.

Off Topic / Help identifying a stone I found
« on: May 01, 2013, 08:51:48 PM »
Today I was out walking around town and found a interesting stone on the ground. At first I thought it was obsidian, but I'm not very sure. Its a pure black color, quite glossy, and feels very smooth. At one point it looks like there is something reddish and a little transparent in it. The stone itself isn't transparent at all. Here is some pictures

Additional info:
Leaves a brownish streak on paper
Looks like this after being chipped:
Scratches plastic but not glass

Its hard to see, but here is some pictures of the somewhat red transparent part

Games / Outlast Extended Announcement Trailer
« on: February 16, 2013, 02:30:02 PM »
I havent found alot of info on this game, but it looks really fun in my opinion.
Hopefully the actual gameplay is as good as the trailer

Gallery / Random thing I built
« on: January 20, 2013, 11:25:20 AM »
Just something random I built yesterday, not really meant to be anything in particular. Feel free to rate

Add-Ons / Client sided circle generator
« on: January 20, 2013, 12:05:30 AM »
Simply generates circles out of bricks client sided at a decent speed, much faster than building them manually.

How to use:
Simply say "gencircle size" in chat. Obviously replace size with the size of the circle you want. For example, if I wanted a 6 brick wide circle, I would say "gencircle 6".

There is also a couple other options, gencirclein and gencircle out. Gencirclein makes a filled in circle, gencircleout makes a hollow circle with the outside filled in.

normal gencircle:



If your generating a circle and a few spots are missed, just simply generate the circle again on the same spot and it will fill those spots.
When generating a circle, it generates in full bricks. If you use a 2x2 brick and generate a 32 circle, it will actully be 64 across. If you use a 1x1 and generate a 32, it will be 32.

Download at:

Help / Key recovery won't work.
« on: February 29, 2012, 05:02:26 PM »
Im trying to play blockland and it keeps asking for my key. When I go to the key recovery page and enter my Email, it says it sent the key to it. When I check the email, nothing is there. Help would be great.

Off Topic / Self harm
« on: December 20, 2011, 07:40:12 PM »
Self-harm (SH) or deliberate self-harm (DSH) includes self-injury (SI) and self-poisoning and is defined as the intentional, direct injuring of body tissue most often done without suicidal intentions.

The most common form of self-harm is skin-cutting but self-harm also covers a wide range of behaviors including, but not limited to, burning, scratching, banging or hitting body parts, interfering with wound healing, hair-pulling (trichotillomania) and the ingestion of toxic substances or objects.[2][4][5] Behaviours associated with substance abuse and eating disorders are usually not considered self-harm because the resulting tissue damage is ordinarily an unintentional side effect.[6] However, the boundaries are not always clear-cut and in some cases behaviours that usually fall outside the boundaries of self-harm may indeed represent self-harm if performed with explicit intent to cause tissue damage.[6] Although Self Delete is not the intention of self-harm, the relationship between self-harm and Self Delete is complex, as self-harming behaviour may be potentially life-threatening.[7] There is also an increased risk of Self Delete in individuals who self-harm[4][8] to the extent that self-harm is found in 40–60% of Self Deletes.

A common belief regarding self-harm is that it is an attention-seeking behaviour; however, in most cases, this is inaccurate. Many self-harmers are very self-conscious of their wounds and scars and feel guilty about their behaviour leading them to go to great lengths to conceal their behaviour from others.[5] They may offer alternative explanations for their injuries, or conceal their scars with clothing.[26][27] Self-harm in such individuals is not associated with suicidal or para-suicidal behaviour. People who self-harm are not usually seeking to end their own life; it has been suggested instead that they are using self-harm as a coping mechanism to relieve emotional pain or discomfort or as an attempt to communicate distress.

Self-harm is not typically suicidal behaviour, although there is the possibility that a self-inflicted injury may result in life-threatening damage.[50] Although the person may not recognise the connection, self-harm often becomes a response to profound and overwhelming emotional pain that cannot be resolved in a more functional way.
If you want to read more I got all this info from
Discuss your opinion and stuff about this.

Creativity / My first isometric picture
« on: July 07, 2011, 03:43:17 AM »
If you don't know, a isometric picture is pretty much a 2d picture that looks 3d. I made my first one today and I'd like some opinions on it. Also post ones you've made if you want.

Modification Help / Generating a txt for terrain.
« on: May 07, 2011, 01:37:03 PM »
I just made a code that reads a text document, and makes terrain based on it. An example of what it would read is:
Code: [Select]
It reads each number and builds that many high, so that following example would be a somewhat like a pyrimid. Now my question is, how could I make a script that would generate the text files for me, and be somewhat realistic instead of just random spikes? Heres the script that reads and makes the terrain:
Code: [Select]
function makeMap(%map)
%file = new fileObject();
%file.openForRead("add-ons/chat_c/terrain/" @ %map @ ".txt");
%line = %file.readLine();
%len = strlen(%line);
%char = getsubstr(%line,%i,1);

And heres the one that generates a text document to build, but its not very realistic.
Code: [Select]
function genMap(%x,%y,%map)
%lineNum = 1;
%line = "";
%add = getRandom(1,5);
%line = %line @ %add;
%file = new fileObject();
%file.openForAppend("add-ons/chat_c/terrain/" @ %map @ ".txt");

Help / Can't register my key to my forum account.
« on: March 31, 2011, 01:41:59 PM »
I'm trying to put my key on my forum acount so I will have access to all the boards. The way I'm trying is going to a board were I have to register to post, then hitting new topic. When the page comes up saying I have to register my key, I hit the register button. After that it just says "No referal". Could I get some help?

Modification Help / A good animation tutorial for blender?
« on: January 26, 2011, 04:10:58 PM »
Does anyone know were a good tutorial for animating in blender can be found? Or is there no animating in blender? I haven't gotten into it much.

Gallery / Lamborghini - By Pochyama
« on: January 22, 2011, 07:59:48 PM »
Here's a lamborghini Pochyama, or Jacky on the forums, built in my place. He is unable to take screenshots and asked me to post it.


Creativity / Photoshop
« on: January 20, 2011, 07:05:44 PM »
I've recently started useing photoshop again, and decided to post my creations here.
Feel free to rate, and give constructive critism

A, uh, poster?:


Isolated color:

Eye with a city as a reflection:

Picture made of words:

New version of the isolated color, because i didn't like the picture i used before:

Gallery / The neon cafe
« on: January 01, 2011, 10:19:49 PM »
Well, the neon cafe is a build I started today. Lolmaster is also helping. To me, it looks pretty good so far. Its more of a dance styled place, or hangout. Pictures:

Dj stand:

Pool table:

Dance floor, not really good lighting in this picture:

The center of the place, or the 'cafe':


Modification Help / Putting a bot in a minigame
« on: December 30, 2010, 06:58:24 PM »
What would the code be to put a bot in a minigame?

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