Author Topic: Stupid Bans, Kicks, and Mutes  (Read 604268 times)

Yknow, it disturbs me that there are 109 pages of wrong bans. And er... I dont know how to say this, but my stupidest ban would have to be by Bushido. I was playing as FancypantsXD, and I joined this TDM server where he was pwning, and I said something that made him mute me. I thought he had released his sniper skins at the time so I went to DL them, and found they didnt exist( Yet). I came back to find he had reduced the player limit, and when I finally got on, I kicked him. So I changed my name to Scout_of_Bonk and got back on and played normally. I thought I might as well confess to you, Bushido, because I was feeling a bit guilty.
Forgive me, please!

Oh yeah, and these guys on a TDM were getting owned, complained about spawnkilling, then votekicked every guy on the other team, including me, who just spawned and was ghosting. It failed, and I said WTF I jsut spawnmed! Then they said ALLL VOTEKICK THESCOUT!!!!!! Thank god the admin got back on.

You don't own blockland, :P

Actually he does Nick, he bought it awhile ago.
No way dude. I'd like to see him in BL. Not to ban him or anything, just to see. btw is his IGN rawrman? if not tell him to make it that if you see him.
I'm darkzero.
be rawrman. More orginal plz  :cookieMonster:
No :(
Not original.
Wtf? What was teh point of all these quotes?

Once i went to a server,And all of the admins had Banhammers And had started Banning eachother. Finally after everybody was gone except for me and the host,I got banned For the reason:Bannhammered,Butthead!Even though he did'nt even Get near me. Basically he was a lasy ass moron who was probably an 8 year old.He needs to taste Dirt,and like it.

wow a person named Wrinkel said Wrinkel:PolcForce pushed me! (my ingame name)" then he banned me 5 mins reason: NO PUSHING
but i never pushed him ....

I can't read past 107 without bleeding since no one can spell in 107-109.

Today on epic cookies server,i killed phflack while he was disguised.then he said im teamkilling(wtf?im not! friendly fire is off!) and then i got votekicked,then kicked 5 seconds after i reconnected.

Today on epic cookies server,i killed phflack while he was disguised.then he said im teamkilling(wtf?im not! friendly fire is off!) and then i got votekicked,then kicked 5 seconds after i reconnected.
Votekick is more an unfair democracy. If you do everything right, if everyone just wants an empty server, they'll /yes. Nothing done wrong, but still kicked.

"You have been banned by Rainbow (forgot the id) for 1 minutes.

Just because my in-game name is Altered. REALLY? Gosh you a loving starfish.

Then I joined and asked why he banned me and then

"You have been banned by Rainbow (forgot the id again) for 16 minutes.
Reason: Call the wha*bunchofspama's*mbulance."

Both in Night Fox's "Free"play server.
And Night cigarette- sorry, Fox and Rainbow kept spamming the chat with "ALTALTALTALTALTALTALTALTALTAL T" over and over.

Well, it is a type of Freebuild, not a server in which you should build a platform upon other people's builds, like you were doing.
You were also spamming the server with a snake, and 64x64x64 ghost bricks.

The ban reason serves no purpose, it is just required.
The "whaaaaaambulance" was because you came back and whined about it, rather than getting over it.

You didn't even have to come back.
It's not like anyone told you to.

64x64x64 ghost bricks.

Like your Rainbow badmin?

ban reason serves no purpose, it is just required.
The "whaaaaaambulance" was because you came back and whined about it, rather than getting over it.

I didn't whine, I asked why I was banned. Seriously, ALTALTALT is a very handicapped reason for banning someone.

Like your Rainbow badmin?
Just because someone else is doing it, doesn't mean it's okay for you to do it.
I didn't whine, I asked why I was banned. Seriously, ALTALTALT is a very handicapped reason for banning someone.
It was perceived as whining.