Author Topic: zootopia pro life  (Read 22665 times)

You guys are like 6 months late to this meme
you must be a superhuman because it literally blew up on twitter yesterday night

You guys are like 6 months late to this meme
i never recalled this meme happening 6 months ago unless i was just out of the loop or smth
who cares tho these edits are gud

Leisure goes out of his way to find zootopia fanfic so of course he's ahead of the game on this one

these edits are legit the most hilarious things I've ever seen in my life

You guys are like 6 months late to this meme
I really hate when people complains about that, if it was an overused meme that showed up everywhere and everyone was talking about it then yes I would understand, but this is not the case, and no one had posted this here previously on the forums for you to point that out.

You guys are like 6 months late to this meme
your mom is 6 months late to this meme

You guys are like 6 months late to this meme
you were born 6 months late

Six months ago was august, this comic definitely was not a well known meme in august. Unless LeisureSuit's hanging around the obscure furry sites this was no doubt circulating around awhile ago, he's full of it.

Thanks for the thread guys