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Off Topic / Re: protip, don't smash your finger
« Last post by Masterlegodude on Today at 01:33:29 AM »
Is it better now?
Off Topic / Re: protip, don't smash your finger
« Last post by The Resonte! on Today at 12:07:05 AM »
i don't get it
Off Topic / Re: protip, don't smash your finger
« Last post by Dillpickle on Today at 12:04:48 AM »
was it a tesla truck?  :cookieMonster:
Off Topic / protip, don't smash your finger
« Last post by The Resonte! on Today at 12:01:29 AM »
this happened to me a year ago but i realized that i never posted a half-assed forum thread about it

i accidentally closed a car door on my finger and it hurt. a lot. for a long time. and ruined my weekend. and swelled up like a grape. and leaked blood
the nail eventually popped off and kinda grew back damaged. don't recommend it
Off Topic / Re: Idle and Subpixel are no longer online??
« Last post by The Resonte! on Yesterday at 11:57:20 PM »
the forum did briefly go into maintenance mode earlier, wonder if that has anything to do with it
When I checked the forum just now I was logged out and had to log back in. They probably got forced to log out
so that's what happened... i was confused there
Off Topic / Re: Why do people dislike safety equipment?
« Last post by The Resonte! on Yesterday at 11:55:57 PM »
worked in meal production. ppe, while a pain to use, was heavily mandated for obvious 'do not contaminate food' reasons
no skipping out on that. too important. tho we were told to hurry it up and not take a solid minute putting it on

we were required to have 2 people to lift heavy cases/bags of food to avoid straining backs. if it was relatively light enough i'd do it just by myself just cuz it was faster, i was relatively strong, we had quotas to fill, and asking for help would take double the seconds. though i never went beyond what i could lift because i very much did not want to injure my back
Off Topic / Re: Software engineering trends that annoy you
« Last post by Aide33 on Yesterday at 05:11:37 PM »
i think the most offensive part of what you said was a website requiring 300mb of ram to run being acceptable or normal. i think that's unjustifiable outside of extremely rare and specific circumstances (eg running some full-fledged video game or youtube) and the fact you didn't think that spoke volumes to onlookers you're part of the problem with modern website performance, whether or not you want to be. i definitely recoiled at that number myself, but didn't deem it important enough to respond at the time.
I think you misunderstood my point in context. Let me clarify:

In the context of the conversation, I was talking about electron apps. Stand-alone single page webapps require a lot more resources than the average website. Apps that run standalone on your computer should obviously have way more leeway on how they operate and that should be taken into account. For example, it's not unheard of for Photoshop, Text editors, IDEs, etc to go above 300mb. They need to constantly cache things like documents, files, and web requests. In fact, the instances of terminal I have open right now are like 80-100mb of RAM! It sounds horrible for a text-based application, but it's the cost being able to scroll up the entire history since I opened it! RAM is meant to be used to make user experience snappy and useable (within reason), imagine if every time I scrolled up 100 lines vscode it had to call the HDD to open more of the file, that stuff would be slow as forget.

I wholeheartedly agree with you when saying a normal CRUD website (like a forum or a wiki) should never ever ever use more than 10mb of ram, 300mb is insane for that scenario.
Off Topic / Re: geese thread
« Last post by Sheepocalypse on Yesterday at 11:53:53 AM »
odds are it's mate was nearby
Off Topic / Re: Why do people dislike safety equipment?
« Last post by Alyx Vance on Yesterday at 11:21:43 AM »
Skipping PPE may save a few seconds but it won't save you time or money in the hospital.
I don't use earplugs or anything but I do try to take care of my eyes. Gloves tend to cause me trouble but I'll use them if needed or when I don't feel like having to wash my hands between starting and shutting off vehicles /using the diagnostic computer

Certain safety precautions should always be taken, such as lock out tag out and anything meant to support you or the thing you're working with.
Creativity / Re: Drawings Megathread
« Last post by Mr Queeba on Yesterday at 12:29:36 AM »
gummigoo loving dies
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