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Drama / Blockland Keys @
« on: September 21, 2014, 10:28:32 PM »
Note: They're claimed cracked but they're just keys. I'm unaware if these work or not, but I'm providing information since they're public and should be revoked.

If anyone wants to test if they work, feel free. I can't play Blockland. Website link is at the bottom of this post.

I found this while browsing the servers tab on the main website. I was intrigued and followed the server name website to find an interesting little website.

At their website I looked around and found the Blockland section, I was a little interested on what the cracked section referred to and if a crack was actually developed, released, and functioning.

Their Blockland section, shown with a video and two links:

After clicking the crack link I was sent to a picture with a list of four keys, which may or may not be functioning. One of the keys had a v21 label beside it, so it may be outdated, I don't know.

If you're interested in the keys, they're at the website, on the Blockland section. I'm not going to provide them, but I'm expecting them to be revoked. I'm not going to touch them either, because this isn't my business and I can't currently play Blockland. If you're interested, go on their website, head to Games at the top, then click on Blockland and you'll see a Cracked link. Try the keys if you want, report back if they're legit or not.


Cheers, forget these guys.

General Discussion / Blockland Default Competitive -- Is it worth it?
« on: July 26, 2014, 03:24:10 AM »
What do you want again?

I've been contemplating creating a large tournament/competitive server based on default and popular weaponry that takes both skill to use, but is relatively straight forward in functionality and familiarity.

The tournament or competitive server would offer several maps built with default prerequisites and a handful of popular and default-like add-ons to add a little differentiation. The default idea would limit downloads and minimally create faster loading times while adding a little theme. Builds would be optimized to function well across all computers without any advantages based on your machine (unless you have a really stuffty computer, I'm sorry -- but you're on your own).

The core of the GameMode would include team-based gameplay with one life, several weapons for each player, and full on competitive fights forcing players to move as a team and rely on each other. Players would either form teams to participate in the tournament or alternatively play on a competitive server in which they earn a reputation based on their score over time. This would hopefully resurrect a little bit of the old Blockland, but with a modern twist of extreme competitivity and frustration we could all enjoy.

Where is the issue?

The issue is a lack of a server provider and a lack of further planning. What I'm asking indirectly is, if anybody is interested in this, and if anyone is interested in helping in small ways with suggestions, additions, and feedback.

As for planning, if anybody would like to add onto my thoughts, feel free.

Here are pictures of a completed build I released that was originally intended for this:

(Click to enlarge)

Here is the topic where I posted the build:

Hint: The intention could somewhat be related to the CS:GO competitive gameplay.

General Discussion / What are you developing/creating?
« on: May 04, 2014, 10:34:48 PM »
What are you developing and/or creating?

We've had threads like this, and I've always wondered what the community of Blockland is working on. Whether it be building, modeling, coding, share it with us.

Post a screenshot or tell us about it.

For future reference, this is Blockland related material only. It was put in General Discussion under the Blockland Forums for a reason.

Quality looking products by other people:

Post interesting pictures and I'll include them.

Modification Help / Centering a polyhedron on a bot
« on: April 29, 2014, 07:05:53 PM »
I recently coded something with someone the past couple of days and ran into a problem. First of all, the polyhedron I created is not centered on the bot, rather it is shown like so:

How would I go about centering the polyhedron so it wraps the bot?

To add onto that, whenever I enter the zone, the center print does not print, but I created an echo to test whenever you would enter the zone, and that worked. Could someone please help me out? I'd rather avoid spoon-feeding and receive a clear demonstration.

Here is the code:

Code: [Select]
// trader bot hole information
datablock fxDTSBrickData (BrickTraderBot_HoleSpawnData)
brickFile = "Add-ons/Bot_Hole/4xSpawn.blb";
category = "Special";
subCategory = "Holes";
uiName = "Trader Hole";
iconName = "Add-Ons/Bot_Blockhead/icon_blockhead";

bricktype = 2;
cancover = 0;
orientationfix = 1;
indestructable = 1;

isBotHole = 1;
holeBot = "traderHoleBot";

datablock PlayerData(TraderHoleBot : PlayerStandardArmor)
uiName = "";
canJet = 0;
maxItems   = 0;
maxWeapons = 0;
maxTools = 0;
runforce = 100 * 90;
maxForwardSpeed = 8;
maxBackwardSpeed = 4;
maxSideSpeed = 8;
rideable = false;
canRide = false;
isInvincible = true;
isHoleBot = 1;
hIdle = 1;
 hIdleLookAtOthers = 1;

//snazzy trader
function TraderHoleBot::onAdd(%this, %obj, %botData, %bot)
Armor::onAdd(%this, %obj);

%obj.llegColor =  "0.392157 0.196078 0 1";
%obj.secondPackColor =  "0.388235 0 0.117647 1";
%obj.lhand =  "0";
%obj.hip =  "0";
%obj.faceName =  "smileyPirate2";
%obj.rarmColor =  "0.901961 0.341176 0.0784314 1";
%obj.hatColor =  "1 1 1 1";
%obj.hipColor =  "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
%obj.chest =  "0";
%obj.rarm =  "0";
%obj.packColor =  "0.2 0 0.8 1";
%obj.pack =  "0";
%obj.decalName =  "Mod-Suit";
%obj.larmColor =  "0.901961 0.341176 0.0784314 1";
%obj.secondPack =  "0";
%obj.larm =  "0";
%obj.chestColor =  "0.901961 0.341176 0.0784314 1";
%obj.accentColor =  "0.000 0.200 0.640 0.700";
%obj.rhandColor =  "1 0.878431 0.611765 1";
%obj.rleg =  "0";
%obj.rlegColor =  "0.392157 0.196078 0 1";
%obj.accent =  "0";
%obj.headColor =  "1 0.878431 0.611765 1";
%obj.rhand =  "0";
%obj.lleg =  "0";
%obj.lhandColor =  "1 0.878431 0.611765 1";
%obj.hat =  "0";


%obj.tradeZone = new Trigger()
position = %obj.spawnBrick.getPosition();
datablock = TraderTriggerData;
scale = "5 5 4";
polyhedron = "0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1";

datablock TriggerData(TraderTriggerData)
className = "TraderTrigger";
tickPeriodMS = 100;

function TraderTrigger::onEnterTrigger(%triggerData, %trigger, %client)
centerPrint(%client, "\c5You cannot take damage in this zone.", 5);
echo("Zone entered!");

function TraderTrigger::onLeaveTrigger(%triggerData, %trigger, %client)
centerPrint(%client, "\c5You have left the zone. You are now able to take damage.", 5);
echo("Zone left!");

package TraderActivate
function Player::Activatestuff(%obj)
%object =  getWord(containerRaycast(%obj.getEyePoint(),vectorAdd(%obj.getEyePoint(),vectorScale(%obj.getEyeVector(),3)),$Typemasks::playerObjectType,%obj), 0);

%playerData = %object.getDataBlock();

if(%playerData == TraderHoleBot.getId())
MessageClient(%obj.getControllingClient(), "", "\c5Trader:\c6 Hello, check out my variety of wares.");

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