Author Topic: Furdle's Pirate RPG [Update Two Coming Soon]  (Read 5396 times)

Jakob and brighter
Have you ever thought
That maybe
Just maybe
You were banned because I don't like you.
Maybe that's not a legit reason for being unable to play? You're supposed to ban people for breaking rules on your server not because of spite. You have connected to my server before and I didn't not ban you, and though I free admit it was tempting, I did not do so because you were doing nothing wrong.

Argument v88373626273
As it is my server from my internets running on my computer hosting my projects built by me and my friends, I think I reserve the right to ban who I want for whatever reason I want. If you have a problem with how I chose to hand out bans, please make a drama topic or post on the other 474727483 topics which are butt hurt about my bans

Ok, I'll respect that this is your topic and it's not made to discuss bans :) sorry for derailing

Might does not make right.

There are a lot of people who won't be playing this just because it's you hosting it. Much like many people don't buy Fez because of Phil Fish.

Might does not make right.

There are a lot of people who won't be playing this just because it's you hosting it. Much like many people don't buy Fez because of Phil Fish.
I seriously could not give a forget if people wont come to my server.
I'll ban who I want, deal with it.

I seriously could not give a forget if people wont come to my server.
I'll ban who I want, deal with it.
Diva Dev attitude right here.

Hadn't realized I clicked on the drama sub-forum as opposed to general discussion.