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Topics - Shift Kitty

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Games / [offline] Streaming for my first time. Playing Sairento VR
« on: May 19, 2018, 01:22:37 AM »
Long story short, Sairento VR is some VR game where you're an ninja. Has RPG elements and stuff.
I abused a bug to get to a stupidly high level, and now I'm using that to see how far I can get in the infinite gauntlet mode.

Once I'm in Tier X - Shinobi mode, I die in one hit, making all health related equipment pointless. stuff's pretty intense.

I made it to Tier 75. I feel proud of myself for surviving hell for a whole 31 rooms. Maybe I'll do this again some other time or stream some other VR games. Requests are fine but I don't really care for VR Chat, just to get that out there. Wouldn't really be fun to watch me play that.

Aiming for 250 now cause someone got that far.

Games / [Video]Space Engineers: Major Physics Overhaul
« on: November 19, 2017, 03:43:25 AM »
Would've just bumped the thread but it's too old.
For everyone who was ever interested in this game. HOLY stuff.

I don't have any sources but with everything going on lately you probably think it's true anyway.


Add-Ons / Environment Zones + Global Music = Script_EnvrionmentMusic
« on: November 07, 2017, 01:13:56 AM »
Now you can set the music people hear when they enter an environment zone.

Environment Zones:
Global Music:
Fixed download link for Global Music:

Type ' /setEnvZoneMusic Zone name here ' and then select the music from the dropdown in the pop-up window.


Add-Ons / Sports Events - But actually just one right now.
« on: March 25, 2017, 05:13:58 PM »
Adds an event relating to the sports balls.

One input:
onBallPop > Self / LastHolder / LastHClient / EventClient / MiniGame / <Named Brick>

onBallPop will be triggered on the brick that originally spawned the ball. This will not be called on balls spawned by players (whether it was a ball they spawned with, or a ball spawned via Player > SpawnProjectile.)
It must be put on the brick spawning the ball, and will only be triggered when the ball is completely dead. As in, despawned either by events, scripts, and not by a player picking it up, headbutting, or resting to change state.
LastHolder is the last player to hold the ball (i think, solo testing isn't all that accurate.), LastHClient is the client of that player, and EventClient should be the client that triggered the original spawning of the ball, whether they picked it up off a brick or had spawned it via an event.
Minigame will be the minigame the ball belongs to.

Example usage 1:
A brick that has a football on it.
onItemPickup (not a default event) > Self > SetItem [None]
onBallPop > Self > SetItem [Ball Football]
A brick that will have a single pickup ball that will respawn once the ball 'pops'.

Example usage 2:
A regular brick.
onActivate > Self > SpawnProjectile [etc] [Ball Football] [etc] [1.0]
onActivate > Self > SetEventEnabled [0] [off]
onBallPop > Self > SetEventEnabled [1] [on]
A brick that can be clicked and will spawn a ball, as long as any ball it spawned isn't still active.

Potential future updates:
onBallRest, triggers when the ball transforms from a projectile to an item. Though I can't really see too much use for this, unless outputs are added for the Item class. Maybe some inputs too. onItemTouch anyone?
onBallPickup, triggers when the ball is picked up. What separates this from onItemPickup is that this can be triggered even when the ball is picked up from a source other than the brick itself.


Suggestions & Requests / [Request]Large Chest Brick
« on: June 16, 2016, 07:03:40 PM »
Would be nice if someone could whip up a large chest .blb. Probably like, 8x12x5(15 plates, 5 bricks).
Would be extra nice if it had an open/close state, too.

Games / What is the best league game?
« on: May 22, 2016, 11:24:39 PM »
there's lots of league games

which one is the best?

April Fools 2016 / Interesting things to note
« on: April 01, 2016, 10:24:54 PM »
Forum activity has tripled today.
Badspot could be watching.
Badspot could be participating.
We don't know whether this is going to all rollback or if everything is going to reveal.
A third possibility is that neither happens. The forums don't rollback, but all the posts from today still have their authors hidden.
( this is grimlock btw)

April Fools 2016 / MOVED: The real unreleased secrets of Badspot!!!
« on: April 01, 2016, 10:34:04 AM »
This topic has been moved to Fail Bin.

Add-Ons / Event_SetFriendlyFire [NOW for use with any minigame]
« on: March 26, 2016, 03:28:18 PM »
Requested here:

Includes one output event for players which allows you to enable (or disable) friendly fire between players.

setFriendlyFire <Default/ForceOff/ForceOn>

Has different functionality depending on whether or not it's a Slayer minigame.
Non-Slayer minigame:
If either the attacker or the victim have their state set to ForceOff, damage will not occur.
If both the attacker and the victim have their state set to ForceOn, damage will occur.
If one player is set to Default and the other is set to either ForceOn or Default, damage will be dealt according to the minigame's "Player" damage setting.

Slayer minigame:
If either the attacker or the victim have their state set to ForceOff, friendly fire will not occur.
If both the attacker and the victim have their state set to ForceOn, friendly fire will occur.
If one player is set to Default and the other is set to either ForceOn or Default, damage will be dealt according to the minigame's "Friendly Fire" setting.
This only applies to players on the same team (it might work with alliances as well but idk), and does not bypass the "Player" damage setting.

Leopard Hosting
Glass (auto-updates)

March 26th, 2016 - Fixed an issue where never calling setFriendlyFire on a player would default them to ForceOff. Added regular minigame functionality.
NOTE: This update will break your events. Anything you had saved as ForceOff will be changed to Default, and anything set to ForceOn will be changed to ForceOff.

Add-Ons / Event_BindAction
« on: March 20, 2016, 08:07:16 PM »
Requested here:

Includes two input events and three output events which allow you to trigger events when the player performs certain actions.

onActionDown - When the button is pressed. Works for all actions.
onActionUp - When the button is released. Only works for fire, jump, crouch, and jet.

playerActionBind <list> <cd> - Binds a player's action to the targeted brick(s). When the player does (or stops) that action, onActionDown/Up is triggered on that brick.
playerActionUnbind <list> - Reverses the effect of the above event.
playerActionUnbindAll - Removes every single bind the player has.

<list> contains:
Fire, Jump, Crouch, Jet, Light, PrevSeat, NextSeat, BrickCancel, BrickDownPlate, BrickToward, BrickUpPlate, BrickLeft, BrickDown, BrickRight, BrickRotateCCW, BrickAway, BrickCW, BrickUp, BrickPlant

Note #1: These are bound to the player, not the client. So when the player respawns or dies, all binds are cleared.
Note #2: If an action has a cooldown, onActionUp will only be called if onActionDown was successfully called.

Leopard Hosting
Glass (auto-updates)

March 26th, 2016 - Added a built-in cooldown event parameter. This allows you to add delays to the binds without requiring VCE. (if you didn't know, using set/toggle event enabled would disable it for everyone bound to that brick)

Modification Help / [Solved] Converting an integer to a date format.
« on: January 07, 2016, 03:22:44 AM »
getUTC() outputs an integer. This is fine for storing information and making long-term comparisons.
However, when it comes to turning this into a MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS string, or anything similar, I can't figure it out.
Google isn't any help, the only things I can find on there is just all the functions that other languages have that do all the work for you.
TS doesn't seem to have this. It has getTimeString(int) but, this just converts it into HHHHHH::MM:SS.

The code if anyone's interested, or maybe wants to clean it up or make any improvements.

Code: [Select]
function UnixToDateTime(%unix,%twelve,%adj)
%unix = (%unix+%adj)|0;
%z = mfloor((%unix/86400)|0);
%time = %unix-(%z*86400);
%hours = mfloor(%time/(60*60));
%minutes = mfloor(%time/60);
%seconds = %time - %minutes*60;
if(strLen(%minutes) < 2)
%minutes = "0" @ %minutes;
if(strLen(%seconds) < 2)
%seconds = "0" @ %seconds;
if(%hours < 12)
%AP = "AM";
%AP = "PM";
if(%hours == 0)
%hours = 12;
if(strLen(%hours) < 2)
%hours = "0" @ %hours;
%timestring = %hours @ ":" @ %minutes @ ":" @ %seconds SPC %AP;
if(strLen(%hours) < 2)
%hours = "0" @ %hours;
%timestring = %hours @ ":" @ %minutes @ ":" @ %seconds;
%z = (%z+719468)|0;
%era = ((%z >= 0 ? %z : %z-146096)/146097)|0;
%doe = ((%z - %era * 146097))|0;
%yoe = ((%doe - (%doe/1460|0) + (%doe/36524|0) - (%doe/146096|0)) / 365)|0;
%y = (%yoe + %era * 400)|0;
%doy = (%doe - ((365*%yoe|0) + (%yoe/4|0) - (%yoe/100|0)))|0;
%mp = ((5*%doy + 2)/153)|0;
%d = %doy - ((153*%mp+2)/5|0) + 1;
%m = %mp + (%mp < 10 ? 3 : -9);
%y = (%y + (%m <= 2))|0;
%d = mceil(%d);
if(strLen(%d) == 1)
%d = "0" @ %d;
if(strLen(%m) == 1)
%m = "0" @ %m;
return %m @ "/" @ %d @ "/" @ %y SPC %timestring;

Edit: Threw in timezone because why not.
It's manual and doesn't calculate DST though.

Didn't feel like cleaning it up, it really makes the code a huge mess. I know I should but, the function isn't going to get called too much anyway. Or at least shouldn't be.

Decided to make the inverse as well. The timezone arg here works inverse, so that you get UTC time by inputting your timezone again.

Code: [Select]
function DateTimeToUnix(%dt,%adj)
%date = getWord(%dt,0);
%time = getWord(%dt,1);
%time = strReplace(%time,":"," ");
%hours = getword(%time,0);
%minutes = getWord(%time,1);
%seconds = getWord(%time,2);
if(strStr(%dt,"M") > -1)
if(%hours == 12)
if(strStr(%dt,"P") > -1)
%date = strReplace(%date,"/"," ");
%y = getWord(%date,2);
%m = getWord(%date,0);
%d = getWord(%date,1);
%y -= %m <= 2;
%era = ((%y >= 0 ? %y : %y-399) / 400)|0;
%yoe = (%y - %era * 400)|0;
%doy = (((153*(%m + (%m > 2 ? -3 : 9)) + 2)/5|0) + %d-1)|0;
%doe = (%yoe * 365 + (%yoe/4|0) - (%yoe/100|0) + %doy)|0;
%z = (%era * 146097 + %doe - 719468)|0;
%time = %seconds + (%minutes*60) + (%hours*60*60);
%z = ((%z*86400)+(%adj*-1*3600))|0;
return (%time+%z)|0;

Edit: And may as well throw weekday in there.

Code: [Select]
function Weekday(%udt,%n,%adj) //accepts datetime or unix as input, converts dt to unix anyway
{ //%n, 0 = int (0=sun, 6=sat), 1 = short, 2 = long //adj not used for dt
if(strStr(%udt,"/") > -1)
%unix = DateTimeToUnix(%udt);
%unix = (%udt+(%adj*3600))|0;
%z = mfloor((%unix/86400)|0);
%int = (%z >= -4 ? (%z+4) % 7 : (%z+5) % 7 + 6)|0;
%ret = %int;
case 0: %ret="Sunday";
case 1: %ret="Monday";
case 2: %ret="Tuesday";
case 3: %ret="Wednesday";
case 4: %ret="Thursday";
case 5: %ret="Friday";
case 6: %ret="Saturday";
if(%n == 1)
%ret = getSubStr(%ret,0,3);
return %ret;

Help / Blockland on Wine, Add-ons Not Ordered Correctly
« on: November 27, 2015, 12:10:18 PM »
Running Blockland on Wine has been going pretty smoothly, with only a slight problem here and there.
Although, one problem in particular seems to be the order that files get read. Which is, not in alphabetical order.

Anyone know a fix for this?

Music / Sonic Dreams Collection
« on: August 13, 2015, 12:10:25 PM »
I'm sure at least a number of you have seen or experienced the wonders of Sonic Dreams Collection.
I extracted the music from the game and made them into mono tracks for you.

Included Tracks:
beautiful egg song
bosa The song that will eventually start playing if the SegaNet server hasn't come into focus for a while
crib music Perfect for your family RP needs
dog spedup
dream piano loop
fog rolls in There's an issue with this track. If you were one of the lucky few to watch or experience the wonderful Eggman Origins, you got to hear this. However, it appears to have some effects applied to it in-game, rather than to the file itself. This makes it difficult to loop. This is the unmodified file.
glapp loop
hotel music
prom music
shades 4 dogs By torahorse.  Sorry for the loss in quality. It was a pretty large file.

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