Author Topic: How do I improve my ridiculous attention span?  (Read 1202 times)

Nah, ADHD is stuff like hearing air conditioners and not being able to block out background noise. He's just trying to flesh out his interests.

Now I'm focusing on the AC unit

Thanks for that post

A short attention span doesn't equate to a mental disorder.

He shouldn't get tested for anything because he has a short attention span. You can't blame all your issues on a disorder and then medicate to "solve" it.

you're right. sorry OP. you have autism.

I didn't say he had ADHD, I said he should get tested for it just in case.
If it was ADHD he would running around all energized with no real focus. Sounds more like ADD or CAD.

I'll admit, I was diagnosed with ADD, but I really really don't think I have autism or anything of that sort...

i've never focused on anything while high

i dunno what you're smoking, literally
Depends on what kind you smoke. There are a lot of strains that give you energy and help keep you focused when you smoke them.

Sometimes I wonder if ADD, ADHD, CAD, or whatever even exist or whether not they have always been humans and they just thing that we have always had, except that some people express it more than others.

It seems like every kid these days has to be prescribed Ritalin, Adderall, and sorts of other chemicals. It just doesn't seem safe for both mental and physical growth.

Do you have ADD medication?

I've been taking some of the best ADHD meds on the market for years :)
like I took adderall when I was in second grade. Adderall is pusillanimous individual stuff compared to my current med

Sometimes I wonder if ADD, ADHD, CAD, or whatever even exist or whether not they have always been humans and they just thing that we have always had, except that some people express it more than others.

They are definitely real disorders that exist and cause problems for certain kids, but a high percentage of the people who get diagnosed with it nowadays do not have anything wrong with them. Giving any kid adderall will increase their attention span and keep them focused, even if they have a completely typical brain. Teachers realized this and started to attribute any kind of disruption or hyperactiveness in the classroom to ADD/ADHD. The diagnosis process is equally lax too, where a school psychiatrist can fill out a short survey and often prescribe the medication right then and there.

As a result, we have almost 20% of high school boys taking ADD/ADHD medication, and many probably don't need it.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2015, 04:44:22 PM by SeventhSandwich »

If it was ADHD he would running around all energized with no real focus. Sounds more like ADD or CAD.
You'd be surprised how common this misconception is. Actually, before you receive medication, everyone including you just believes you're lazy and uninspired. I was doing so horribly in school and nowadays when i forget to take my meds it is so clear to me how impossible it is to pay attention and how it is so much harder to get along with people. It's pretty much a snake in the grass, but then again, the doctors in the US will probably prescribe it in the smallest of cases which threatens the reliability of it while doctors where I live are very careful about giving it out.