Author Topic: Forum reputation in danger, washing down a Drain  (Read 7723 times)

when I look at my old posts
I cringe and they were only 3.5 months old :(((

I cringe and they were only 3.5 months old :(((
sometimes I'll look at one from only a day before and still wonder what I was thinking

i'd say you're more around 19.95.
buy a lifetime subscription for just 17 easy payments......

or a completely similar japanese name

like kimura

hint hint hint hint hint hint


Arg solved

On-Topic: There really isn't any reputation system on the forums. There is a large chance that the forums will just add this to their list of 'stupid things' you do. It is best not to make these topics

Talking about your reputation = immediate negative net value rep.

Talking about your reputation = immediate negative net value rep.

Talking about your reputation = immediate negative net value rep.


openly discussing your reputation is almost always a trip down the road of being laughed at or not being taken seriously

im probly mostr respectred prsn3n on this forum

Lol forget rep. You should only care if its ban worthy.

"404, reputation not found"

what's up with young kids thinking reputation on this forum matters?