Author Topic: AdinX's Big Giant Photodump: 3+ years of blockland  (Read 4896 times)


Well guys, it's been real, and it's gonna keep being real, cause I am not going anywhere except insane. I was looking through all of my pictures today, and I figured why not just go ahead and post em. See what people have to say. What's the worst that could happen? Badspot could ban me for research. Thats what. Everything has been uploaded through imgur and is kept in it's link form, but at the very end of this I will pick out my favorite screenies. feel free to use images if you can somehow manage to use them..?or just point out your favorites...Here we go!
Collection #1: Brick Physics - Meggey set off a bomb in a huge box of spam [3],q1gwadW,65OZK1I

Collection #2: The Early Days - My earliest pictures and creations. [3],Z0CZhOS,gmDDYUC#0

Collection #3: Fun with Friends: cigaretteACITY SAGACITY - Known this cigarette guy for years, we still work together a lot. (p.s. : pressing the "o" blew up the message and would fling the activator into the air, then slam them down. He was grumpy that night, so I thought I'd freak him out. He didn't like it...) [4],gIRoD89,P2wiBQE,Bqnz1d5,MlXDLGd#4

Collection #4: Fun with Friends: WHOREFIN THORFIN - Same story as saga, I learned most of my building skills off of him and then added my own twist to it all, and in some ways exceeded him. Just ask him, he'll say so ;) [14],wxXkJfB,RE0PqZh,uY1B4TM,QvsNN0Q,XojJpmU,GMcD5rl,PBXz7LB,ozn778E,TuJTQ6u,DDGYyH3,DxLwX0O,t0dovRx,3DUGsrK

Collection #5: Forum Mini Comics w/ The Brighter Dark - This was a fun little project I tried running with TBD that never fully took off... A shame, but it was fun. [4],AilUQM2,sY7xKXe,PRvEAHo

Collection #6: Drama News Rooms - Occasionally when I make a drama, I make a room to go with the chat logs and whatnot. Here's some bloopers / actual usage. (last one was a kalphiter drama, but Amir uh... modified it. You can find the drama w/ search in the drama section.) [3],ArO0miR,pP1xZVm

Collection #7: Cities! - For almost two years I attempted to perfect the physical aspects of the oh-so-popular City RPG; I never got there. Oh well. Here are some of the mini-maps and cities I developed ( I have one save file that isn't on here that could easily make 5/5 star ratings ;) ) [22],KlrQlVR,D4ntR7k,OLpJ4Kr,sKewict,TDFclx0,T8MrVq1,F6n4Y5f,vEss27z,nOJOBiC,izZSfPb,pOjiHYs,CnCs3ll,0AOQt67,bMSSFkm,isM5BE8,1jyaXsY,iqSSWhX,QWufK3I,YrJBBE3,ypqpQwE,Si1VusX

Collection #8: The Housing Industry is Doing Well - Excuse the stuffty title. It's a house I built on some City RPG forever ago that I really loved. [15],uWSvOXL,nrtPezU,FmUDxJf,0gO5yIE,ZNnNW5j,yN8zNw0,IfpZkbU,i8Uj1aq,QA7l9bk,VXtJUZ3,BOrlydv,KEVoUO0,ykkwuof,PRH0J7s

Collection #9: Mini Empires - Doesn't really need a description... Small empires? [24],oBG7rG5,SzqLu0J,6lssXnb,dfDmR00,CsP5HF9,Xcwripe,lNS1X0x,RuHDxGw,DRa41si,sKaW0YL,vq8mXSh,mBzBUZ1,dMah84A,rFUk8gM,jZdR7dX,TYqYdKq,CTyX32L,ZrsNDjz,vFKrZm9,TZKWpTc,EKFUuS7,TsODpEN,AzhVUNW

Collection #10: Goofing around - Randomness! [17],ZNi8Gsa,Duke7FF,0YVdIfl,WZ0hEQx,MJLunZ0,cjFCelC,BxLZaRO,9MxIzzy,XrtlqtC,gxL0y39,bKhwUG9,dqTKfwF,Owkq8HW,JYNCTpf,WZdm2Zv,ht0Kcfk

Collection #11: Xalos' Solar Apocalypse - I spent 10 hours building up a massive fort that was intended to be a train station... until the fire nation attacked [11],nIp09s6,xHc3VKM,kAeQ1DQ,9ZrLzwg,S8NtSx5,h9HH0ju,5wxIRxL,w9oFkzf,vfgWoz9,jolTwcw

Collection #12: Forts - Various forts and castles I've made over time. [11],8uIgI8p,JeNh9JD,RnoWjH2,FTbVRZq,8yjbNA7,ukyeybQ,6ApFpOf,Cx71V3i,jHUPiDR,bHM5Y6M

Collection #13: Space-y Stuff - One big hodge-podge of all the space stuff I'm doing (including a secret project between my future clan, and ARES ;o ) [20],P6EpOmT,ayyaYTx,N4teUR5,zDAMjd1,q3e2msp,MXPK4nd,3Pi2Zzv,3UNSE8R,OYSIrtQ,FtshN3N,r6mvoWc,QC1Lv5F,qDCHbzf,VekvfB2,ydSeY4r,2M8BJWT,v3dcbxU,YKTDSpL,s9r6Pep

If I missed any images, I'll be sure to go back and add them in!


« Last Edit: March 16, 2013, 10:06:11 PM by AdinX »

E on the mouse? Aren't E-machines absolutely awful?

That's a really ideal print for the mouse.

That's a really ideal print for the mouse.
reminds me of a square ass.

In all reality, it was the first time I designed a non-pre-made computer. So the E was the closest thing I could think of for a mouse.

Why isn't this pic in your random folder?

Lol because I got yelled at for uploading it in a previous topic, so I didn't post it again (to my knowledge)

These are the times I wish I saved my old pictures on Blockland.

That hallway made me stuff myself.
Keep making stuff like dat.

That hallway made me stuff myself.
Keep making stuff like dat.
Im hosting a TDM / forwars this weekend (Pre-set teams) and I've got some stuff set up that's pretty cool, like a drop pod. You spawn in a flying circle with a pod in the center, then when you get in the pod "drops"

I'll see if I can record a video of it.
I also have another two projects that are pretty hardcore building, a space ship and a huge mini empires.