Author Topic: fallout new california  (Read 1413 times)

About time someone finally released a fallout 4 mod that is better than fallout 4 itself (Which isn't hard)

Maybe bethesda should fire their staff and add real talent.

grrrrrrrrrrrrr differeNT BAD *beats rocks together*

fallout 4 wasnt even that bad but this mod does look nice

fallout 4 wasnt even that bad

Yes it is.

Compared to other fallout games you can really see how watered down it is.

i liked fo4

Only NPCs like F4

tony the type of big brother to think that elder scrolls arena is better than skyrim

Skyrim isn't even an elder scrolls game, it has no heart or soul.

It's for New Vegas.

Too bad too, if they had waited for fallout 4 they could have made it a mod for an actually good game.

It's for New Vegas.

Too bad too, if they had waited for fallout 4 they could have made it a mod for an actually good game.

Kinda hard since Fallout 4's base game is loving stuff.

You would need at least 200 overhaul mods to make it playable.

holy stuff that voice acting is HORRID

i dont see how liking a game makes me an "npc"

holy stuff that voice acting is HORRID

Still better than fallout 3 which had a loving million+ dollar budget.

You people are loving over critical about a loving mod.

Just don't like anything that tries to upstage bethesda at their own game.

Tony, you absolute bullheaded knuckle dragger.

You come into the Games board just to bring up a Fallout 3 mod to give yourself a platform to bitch about the game the mod is for (which we already know you don't like) and then get upset when people that like the game don't agree with your opinions.

You really need to stop making antagonistic topics and then trying to play a victim card.

You people are loving over critical about a loving mod.

Just don't like anything that tries to upstage bethesda at their own game.
Itt tony complains about bethesda and whines when people dont agree. And its incredibly hypocritical for you to call people overly critical of a mod when it seems you are more overly critical about the game that can run the mod itself like you can have an opinion but youre forcing it really hard with a really obvious bias