Author Topic: "lmao your all deluded" - Hotremox, when told "child research is bad"  (Read 20968 times)

glad rally shut down planr.

glad rally shut down planr.

This. I don't understand how anyone who's not a legitimate child enthusiast can even remotely defend lolicon.

The good news is that people who watch anime are lifeless blobs of mass without any energy to leave the house, so having them absorb that loli stuff keeps them away from real kids.

This. I don't understand how anyone who's not a legitimate child enthusiast can even remotely defend lolicon.


im glad planr backed off tbh

that was just cringe cringe and more cringe

im glad planr backed off tbh

that was just cringe cringe and more cringe
glad rally shut down planr.
rally did not "shut me down", i've simply said all i have to say on the subject. no point in arguing with a lot of the people in this thread anymore since it's like arguing with a brick wall. The content of rally's post embodies the exact things i was pointing out this thread's full of: paranoid witch-hunting, blanket-labeling, completely unfair comparisons, and snide personal attacks.

a lot of the people here are using the term "child enthusiast" in a widespread, very blunt manner and by merit insinuating that there is no difference between people who simply like loli and people who actually prowl neighborhoods looking to kidnap real, living, breathing human children. they're lumping these two different kinds of people into the same basket and declaring them both evil. there's an immense world of difference between the two, one is completely harmless and one is a legitimate threat to families, and if you can't realize that, then there is no point in me trying to explain it any further.

people who are into loli are no different than people who are into furry research, bdsm, or any other form of deviant loveuality. i don't agree with it, but i respect their god-given right to choose what to look at, so long as it doesn't harm anyone, which, of course, it doesn't.

that's my final word on the subject.

rally did not "shut me down", i've simply said all i have to say on the subject. no point in arguing with a lot of the people in this thread anymore since it's like arguing with a brick wall. The content of rally's post embodies the exact things i was pointing out this thread's full of: paranoid witch-hunting, blanket-labeling, completely unfair comparisons, and snide personal attacks.

a lot of the people here are using the term "child enthusiast" in a widespread, very blunt manner and by merit insinuating that there is no difference between people who simply like loli and people who actually prowl neighborhoods looking to kidnap real, living, breathing human children. they're lumping these two different kinds of people into the same basket and declaring them both evil. there's an immense world of difference between the two, one is completely harmless and one is a legitimate threat to families, and if you can't realize that, then there is no point in me trying to explain it any further.
people prowling around actually harming kids are child predators AND child enthusiasts. people loveually aroused by loli and aren't prowling around are just child enthusiasts. the only person even bringing up this difference is you.

a lot of the people here are using the term "child enthusiast" in a widespread, very blunt manner and by merit insinuating that there is no difference between people who simply like loli and people who actually prowl neighborhoods looking to kidnap real, living, breathing human children.

a child enthusiast is just somebody who is attracted to children. you trying to tag on other labels to make it seem more outlandish isn't fooling anyone. if you get off looking at kids, you're a creep. if you get off looking at drawn kids, it's still you being a creep. there's no way around it. nobody is jacking off to loli because the art style is cool or you really like the color of the girl's starfish or whatever. it's loving blatantly trying to attract the "i want to forget a kid but i don't go outside so this'll do' crowd

people who are into loli are no different than people who are into furry research, bdsm, or any other form of deviant loveuality. i don't agree with it, but i respect their god-given right to choose what to look at, so long as it doesn't harm anyone, which, of course, it doesn't.

unless you're into cub/babyfur/other degeneracy, it's completely different. jacking off to animals that look like people isn't the same thing as jacking off to drawn children that look like children, and you trying to conflate the two is sad.

rally did not "shut me down", i've simply said all i have to say on the subject. no point in arguing with a lot of the people in this thread anymore since it's like arguing with a brick wall. The content of rally's post embodies the exact things i was pointing out this thread's full of: paranoid witch-hunting, blanket-labeling, completely unfair comparisons, and snide personal attacks.

Okay and everything you've said in this thread is handicapped, dumb, and incorrect. Pwnd.


a lot of the people here are using the term "child enthusiast" in a widespread, very blunt manner and by merit insinuating that there is no difference between people who simply like loli and people who actually prowl neighborhoods looking to kidnap real, living, breathing human children. they're lumping these two different kinds of people into the same basket and declaring them both evil.

I'm not declaring child enthusiasts as "evil". I don't think anyone in this thread is, although I would entirely understand it if they did. I think that's just some ambiguous bullstuff you came up with to make your position easier to defend. We are declaring them to be sick. There is nothing wrong with being sick so long as you are making the conscious geniune effort to not be sick. Everybody knows this. Coming onto the internet and defending child enthusiasm as a totally harmless misunderstood "God-given" pastime is not only inherently immoral and disgusting, but also represents mental illness on a level that's probably worse than child enthusiasm itself because you're actively pushing child enthusiasts deeper into their illness through justification rather than towards a healthier lifestyle. Dig? The only thing you are accomplishing with this stuff is pushing fringe child enthusiasts further towards real, victimizing love crime.

You are the problem. At this point I'm almost entirely convinced that you consume cartoon child research yourself and this is more of a personal justification than an objective one. The biggest problem isn't some creepy greasy teenager in his basement getting off to cartoon child research, the problem lies with the creepy greasy teenager coming onto the Blockland forums and throwing out a bunch of amateur lawyer/armchair psychologist garbage trying to defend it, constantly eroding the barriers between "harmless child enthusiasm" and child molestation.

It's against the law in almost every civilized first world country except America. Cartoon child research should be against the law, not because it directly harms children (only indirectly), but because it would force sick people to either get help, or out themselves as creeps protesting it, effectively removing people like you from the gene pool. forget your ''''right'''' to jack off to imaginary children.

drawn loli  research is child enthusiasm but still isn't as bad as actual cp
at least that's how i see it

wow this entire thread went from 0 to 100 real quick