Author Topic: 2012/02/05 - Shadows and Shaders vs. Interiors and Terrain [Fan Art Too]  (Read 431519 times)

As long as they update vehicle physics so that the pratical use of them on maps constructed out of bricks does not allow for said vehicles to collide through them, or get stuck, or bump about when they're only moving up 1x1f bricks. This, and somthing that allows for a nearly infinate amount of bricks to exist in a server at once, allowing for much more extensive and detailed terrain/builds to replace the old terrain/interior designs.

Code: [Select]
If (*This is true*)
    I'm all for it;

Next : Longer and more detailed animations? Ragdolls?

It would make DMs WAY better if you died like in Battlefield 3. You did a small animation then went into ragdoll while still in mid-motion.

Is Geforce 9200 a good for the new shadows and shaders?
Google: Geforce 9200 pixel shader

Didn't even have to go to a different site. It's right there in the search results.
Nvidia Geforce 9200 pixel shader? - Yahoo! Answers › ... › Hardware › Other - Hardware
1 answer - 15 Sep 2009
Top answer: The entire GeForce 9 series, including the 9200, is Pixel Shader 4.0 native.

Pixel Shader 4.0 > Pixel Shader 2.0

Ok, so the maps board will remain with slate edits, .dts objects can still stay in maps, lights and emitters can still stay in maps, waterblocks (not the brick) will remain in place. Correct?

Is a GeForce 560 good? Why am I asking, if it can run BF3 it can run this.

Ok, so the maps board will remain with slate edits, .dts objects can still stay in maps, lights and emitters can still stay in maps, waterblocks (not the brick) will remain in place. Correct?

Is a GeForce 560 good? Why am I asking, if it can run BF3 it can run this.
Because you like to brag.

I have a 550TI, its only like $120. The 560 is right after the 550ti, nothing to brag about.

Will fakekilled bricks be affected by and/or cast shadows?

Yes. -- kompressor

Wait, would this mean physics could by on by default and we'd all be able to see about the same movement of the killed bricks for each of us? Basically, we'd all see them go the same way since there's more room to approximate that?

Also, any comments on how maps made of bricks will affect brick count? If an entire map is made of bricks, wouldn't that take up a large sum of your limit?
« Last Edit: February 06, 2012, 04:27:04 PM by MegaScientifical »

Byebye terrain... Ill miss you :C


This was a very bad time to go into map making. I'm mostly against this update.

A big question I have is regarding lights. Alot of spacebuilds I and others have contain lights that are covered over with print bricks so that they look like they are really glowing. Will the shadows make the lights darken out underneath these print bricks? This is a serious concern of mine because this is how I make the lights on my builds.

No, brick lights won't cast shadows in the shadow update. -- kompressor
« Last Edit: February 06, 2012, 04:32:29 PM by kompressor »

A big question I have is regarding lights. Alot of spacebuilds I and others have contain lights that are covered over with print bricks so that they look like they are really glowing. Will the shadows make the lights darken out underneath these print bricks? This is a serious concern of mine because this is how I make the lights on my builds.
The 4th property

☑ Rendering
☑ Collision
☑ Ray Casting
☑ Blocks light