Author Topic: PSA: Forum Accounts are being Hijacked; for those who are not looking in drama  (Read 13208 times)
BLF accounts are being hijacked and promoting a stuffty Chinese shady version roblox, called blockcity..
Some people don't look in drama so i'm posting this here to spread awareness.
I suggest you change your passwords, to be safe from being hijacked, or deleting session id's.
for now i'd suggest you log out until this whole thing blows over.
Signing out will 100% keep you safe.

Reminder, this is just to spread awareness, don't be too scared.

Known Hijacked Account Total:  8
Death Toll:  (not really since some got their account back but still)
Otis Da HouseKat

Danger Level: Defcon 3

« Last Edit: April 17, 2016, 07:17:37 AM by Superbro11 »

hsow can there be a stuffty chinese blockcity if theres no blockcity to begin with

I hope Badspot can figure out what/who is hijacking accounts.

what will we do??
You've been hijacked

"Danger level: Low" It should be a bit higher since 4 accounts randomly got hijacked today.
We should find out what's causing this

Known Hijacked Account Total: 4
Danger Level: Low
1 hijack is already a big threat. But now, THERE 4 HIJACKS.

no i want a blue one you can get a green one

Do you have any orange umbrellas?

too late I got the orange one