Author Topic: star wars is officially forgeted  (Read 1368 times)

Keep the lights on, darkness is tribal.

This from the same director who was the first to use the term "light side" in a Star Wars film.

Truly he is deserving of the title of Jar Jar Abrams.

But he won't be deserving of that honor once Block Wars is through with jar Jar.

I hath been had.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2017, 04:03:40 PM by Magus »

the image doesnt even load for me, what is it?

the image doesnt even load for me, what is it?

"J.J. Abrams confirms future Star Wars films will drop use of 'Dark Side' to combat racism"

the image doesnt even load for me, what is it?

it's a photoshop of an article from the independent, with the title edited to "JJ Abrams Confirms Future Star Wars Films Will Drop Use of "Dark Side" to Combat Racism"

the actual article is just talking about how abrams replaced colin trevorrow