Author Topic: tribal SHOULD HAVE THIER BL KEYS REVOKED  (Read 33050 times)

If you think that was bad, you should of seen what one particular user in the [national socialist] clan server was saying.

I tried telling Link about the national socialist clan, and he was complaining about people being tribal towards black, but he was being tribal towards whites...

TheMasterNinja all your doing is being a noob ever time you make a thread or complain about them. Right now all your doing is giving them the attention they want.  If you dont like them just leave the server.

Well if you ask me i think the racism should end on BL

Well of course  not only on Block Land but I said that because this is a game meant for all ages and little kids play this game and they don't need to see this kind of thing

I request n***** to be changed to wigger.

Then wigged people get offended. Honestly Store, how could you not think of the wigged people?

i know a lot of people are joking but there are certain things you don't joke about racism = god hating you and if god hates you you fail at life and should commit Self Delete.
I have undenyable proof proving the existence of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and disproving the existence of god. Behold:

my right to be offensive is more important then your right to not be offended.

or however that goes

I love reading these threads. It's always fun to laugh at the idiots who say these tribal things.

uh......wait what was i gonna say........Oh yea are you calling me uh........what is it?..........dumb?

Shut up about the racism. The people who should get offended the most are usually the ones using it the most. So if they use it, and really don't care about using it, then why should we?(not saying I use it)
If YOU don't like it then YOU should leave the server. Just because someone is expressing their right to say whatever they want doesn't mean they should be kicked for it. Now if the host doesn't like it, then that's different.

well if you think about it Skele is right here have a cookie  :cookie: