
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 161817 times)

So coming from smite and awesomenauts, would I find this game fun in a similar way, and is there any good resource for me to learn the basics fast.

yes it would be fun in a similar way. i played awesomenauts before I started to play League.

There really isn't a quick way to learn the game but in game there is a really basic tutorial that shows you a tiny bit about the game. There is bot games where you play against AI and your team consists of other players. When playing an online game it matches you with players around your level/rank (Levels start at 1 and go up to 30) so you should always be with people at your skill level. Although you should be aware that there are smurfs (Level 30's who have made new accounts for whatever reason) that you might be playing with. If you really want to get into the game I would suggest getting it, playing the tutorial, and then just play the game to improve your skill. You can watch videos of people once you get a grasp on the game to learn even more.

Awesomenauts is somewhat similar to the game by having turrets, different characters to play as, lanes, items, and recall. Although League is a more team based game where a lot of cooperation and communication secures victories really easily. League also has items that aren't specific to who you're playing but just for anyone. There is 3 lanes in league (top, mid, bot) and a lot more characters (champions) to play as.

I didn't play much Smite but it is fairly similar, it's also a little different as well though. The most noticeable thing is the camera (Smites is 3rd person and league is more top-downish). Personally I enjoyed league significantly more than I did with smite, I feel as if league is a lot more fast paced compared to smite. It also seems like it takes more skill to win games in league than it does in smite.

I think the best resource to learn league would be to just watch videos on youtube, play the game yourself, and check the league wiki, it has lots of things to know about the game in it if you need to look for something I would suggest looking there first.

So coming from smite and awesomenauts, would I find this game fun in a similar way, and is there any good resource for me to learn the basics fast.
Well it will take you some time to learn all the basics, since you cant necessarily master them right away.
Mobafire Noob Guide

Phylol, Red Mercy, Trick2g(in most cases) and Foxdrop are decent channels to look at if you're starting or just need a hand.

But yea, play norms, practice, watch vids, read up on different champs so you wont be the guy going "WTF HAPPENED" during fights, and remember to ward.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2015, 06:55:13 PM by Shadowed999 »

remember to ward.
Yes. Please do. One of the biggest things in the game, buying wards and using them effectively/strategically.

95 lp thanks riot forget me again tomorrow when I try to get 100 but lose and you take like 70 please.

having a penta taken right before your eyes is like watching a personified reenactment of an abortion

really just play what youre best at tho, i got out of bronze easily once i decided to main adc and stick with it
Really, anything that scales really well into late game without having a stuff early game will do well. That's why I would say to avoid Vayne and Twitch for now, because you'll be useless if you get stuff on early game, but most ADCs are fine for that purpose. The reason I suggested Riven and Gragas was that they are incredibly strong at all stages of the game, and both champs will serve you well all the way through Gold if you ever have to play top or jungle, respectively. It can be any champ as long as they snowball out of control though. I'll go a little more in depth why I believe Riven to be the best at her respective role in Bronze.

Riven: Riven is an absolute beast. Ridiculous level 1 all in with Q-auto-Q-auto-Q-auto ignite, will kill most, if not all top laners at level 1, especially in bronze where they don't respect Riven's level 1-3. If you start long sword 3 pots and rush Brutalizer, your lane opponent will cry because that cloth armor they're going to have to buy is basically going to do nothing for them anymore, and CDR is the most broken on Riven of all champs in the game, because it grants you both stupid dmg and mobility. If your opponent is a pansy and stacks armor, build last whisper after brutalizer. If not, get that Ravenous Hydra as fast as you can. Build the CDR boots and then finish Youmuu's Ghostblade. Youmuu's Riven is better than Black Cleaver Riven IMO because people underestimate the value of the active and the 15% crit chance it offers. Nobody expects to lose a trade because they got crit by a riven. 15% is the sweet spot of crit chance for you. After that, build Last Whisper or Ravenous Hydra, whichever one you didn't build first, and then you have a decision; go a Maw of Malmortious or a Randuins Omen. Hold up, Cappy! WTF are you doing? Why are you building defensive items on Riven? Because you already have more than enough damage to blow up anyone, even their armor stacking tank, and it gives you more survivability. Top your build off with a Guardian Angel and you're good to go, even if they focus you in a team fight, you'll be tough as forget to kill, and they have to kill you twice! For skill order, I go Q, E, W, and then max them in that same order. You can max W before E if you want, but I find the added mobility and bigger shield from E to be more useful in dominating your lane. For combos, you E in, W, R, Q-auto-Q-auto-Q-auto, then R again if they haven't already died to you. Enjoy going legendary.

Pros to playing Riven:
Ridiculous early game
Scales super well
Does tons of damage even to tanks
Battle Bunny Riven

Cons to playing Riven:
Your team will rage at you for not picking a tank
Dodge vs Kayle, you will not win a farm lane or a kill lane vs her. Just Dodge, she's your hidden worst counter
Silences will make you cry

My Masteries:

My Runes:

Anybody should feel free to PM me if you have any Riven questions at all, I'll gladly try to help you out, just trying to spread the word about my main.
my op.gg, for anyone who cares.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2015, 09:48:55 AM by Cappytaino »

really just play what youre best at tho, i got out of bronze easily once i decided to main adc and stick with it
i feel like this would work if sion and vel'koz weren't so reliant on their teams

Yea, I need to expand my champion pool from teamplayer stuff to carrying, because theres almost 0 follow up when playing with people from my level. Not to mention they flock like sheep for 1 enemy while the other enemies are taking objectives/pushing lanes. Also, people tend to play their favorite champs only instead of ones that would benefit the team, not that theres anything too bad with that, but malph adc? Pls. Not to mention the Bans are reaaally silly at my level. Def gotta learn how to carry better. Although, I can do so with Garen but eeehhh.

Redeemed and Championship Riven tho
Yea, this is pretty true. People at my level tend to disperse and not kite OR focus the Riven. A lot of Bronze players tend to forget that CC is golden and having follow up on that CC is literal love(or rape, for the CC'd party). But anyways, def taking your advice for Riven. I tried her twice ARAM and I love her, just have to save up for her, after my runes. Speaking of Runes, are Scaling attack damage runes(or scaling runes in general, besides mag. resist) worth it and is it more worth to get Tier 2 Lifesteal runes vs Tier 3 Lifesteal runes?
« Last Edit: April 17, 2015, 01:43:25 PM by Shadowed999 »

forgot how much i loved vi, im 5-0 with her in ranked atm lol

Yea, I need to expand my champion pool from teamplayer stuff to carrying, because theres almost 0 follow up when playing with people from my level. Not to mention they flock like sheep for 1 enemy while the other enemies are taking objectives/pushing lanes. Also, people tend to play their favorite champs only instead of ones that would benefit the team, not that theres anything too bad with that, but malph adc? Pls. Not to mention the Bans are reaaally silly at my level. Def gotta learn how to carry better. Although, I can do so with Garen but eeehhh.Redeemed and Championship Riven tho
Yea, this is pretty true. People at my level tend to disperse and not kite OR focus the Riven. A lot of Bronze players tend to forget that CC is golden and having follow up on that CC is literal love(or rape, for the CC'd party). But anyways, def taking your advice for Riven. I tried her twice ARAM and I love her, just have to save up for her, after my runes. Speaking of Runes, are Scaling attack damage runes(or scaling runes in general, besides mag. resist) worth it and is it more worth to get Tier 2 Lifesteal runes vs Tier 3 Lifesteal runes?
For Riven, you could run scaling damage if you really wanted to, I've personally never done it. For theorycrafting purposes, it could work, but I think the level 1 flat AD gives you too much of an advantage to give up. If anything scaling, I would run scaling CDR glyphs. I only really run life steal on Nasus, but it's definitely worth getting the more expensive life steal runes if you plan on playing nasus or maybe even some Korean Tryndamere. Top lane is usually all about the early game fights, and early life steal doesn't give any advantage over running straight damage in those slots imo, unless you're planning on playing a really safe lane and just scaling into late game. If you plan on playing riven, you could do a trial of each rune page, using the one I posted as  a "control" of sorts, and compare the performance to that. If you find some runes that end up working better for you, go right ahead and use them, no pressure. Most of playing Riven is just being comfortable on the champ and knowing your limits, so I would pick one page and stick with it so you learn the limits of the champ and it's always constant.

The thing about Riven is that, as much as you will all tell me wrong, she has a very low skillcap. After playing her for a while and just getting fed out of control doing absurd damage with an absurd shield, it just gets boring.

The thing about Riven is that, as much as you will all tell me wrong, she has a very low skillcap. After playing her for a while and just getting fed out of control doing absurd damage with an absurd shield, it just gets boring.
Eventually you hit a wall and then you have to actually learn the mechanics.

The thing about Riven is that, as much as you will all tell me wrong, she has a very low skillcap. After playing her for a while and just getting fed out of control doing absurd damage with an absurd shield, it just gets boring.
Might I ask what elo you were playing in? In anything higher than Bronze 1, you need to know how to animation cancel and chain abilities to actually be effective, and in high silver and above, people will start focusing you the second you get a kill and you really need to learn to make plays to succeed. You're right about Riven being stupidly broken in low elo, but I don't believe you are correct in saying saying she's low skill cap.