
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 161829 times)


DocReverb - Level 30(unranked atm)
Main: Garen (funnily enough, you can carry games with him)

Level 23( I think, I forget)
Main: Darius
I play every role though, Hec jungler, Ahri mid, Jinx adc, and Thresh support B]

Level 30 (Silver II)
Main Annie and Nidalee mid, Riven mid/top
I play on LAN, here's my op.gg http://lan.op.gg/summoner/userName=Zakuro+Mitsukai

level -39 (shoe 9)
main scuttlecrab and the base turret's laser
i play on OCE like a man add me

Level 30 (Bronze I)
Jack of all Trades, master of none, Garen and Yasuo Top, Yi and Vi Jung, Vel'koz, Yasuo, and Lux Mid, Ezreal ADC, and Leona Support

master of none just implies i still manage to suck in a lot of games with my mains :^)

Oh stuff, the amount of requests.
Hold on, let me wake up from the dead. I'l update the OP tomorrow.

While you're at it, heres some more updated info about me
I don't have the XEK Awaken account, XEK Zorua and XEK Luxio are my 'main' accounts I don't play on one more than the other, and I have two smurfs, Sorry for Teemo and XEK Shuriken (which is a replacement for XEK Awaken)

Of course displaying 4 accounts for one person is silly. It's up to you whichever you wanted to display.
(besides that the inconsistent capitalization of the clan tag annoys me :v)
« Last Edit: April 27, 2015, 05:05:53 PM by Evar678 »

pobelter got relegated :(

While you're at it, heres some more updated info about me
I don't have the XEK Awaken account, XEK Zorua and XEK Luxio are my 'main' accounts I don't play on one more than the other, and I have two smurfs, Sorry for Teemo and XEK Shuriken (which is a replacement for XEK Awaken)

Of course displaying 4 accounts for one person is silly. It's up to you whichever you wanted to display.
(besides that the inconsistent capitalization of the clan tag annoys me :v)

my bad for the inconsistence.

An idea would be to change the op from showing level to rank instead. And if you're not level 30 it says that.. Instead of just saying that practically everyone is level 30.

I tried to do that. However changes in ranks are sometimes very rapid thus making the system inconsistent and very painful for me.

so kassadin got gutted a few patches ago right?

i just bought him yesterday and he's loads of fun

Yeah, he got gutted. At the first patch he was stuff though. What made him powerful was the nerf on his ulti cooldown, they buffed it from 7/5/3 to 6/4/2 and increased his ult range by 50.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2015, 10:17:08 AM by Mocha Furrier »

i was joking about OCE

im really a NA player lmao

Omg just played bruiser ad orianna and somehow carried. BOTRK into straight tank with ADC runes and AD/Tank masteries and I was too tanky for the enemy team to focus while still dealing stupid dmg even to their tanks with my autos. 10/10 would recommend.

I just got a honorable opponent from a bot game...

I just got a honorable opponent from a bot game...

prob from an earlier game which lobby you left before you were honored

prob from an earlier game which lobby you left before you were honored

Ah yeah. That's it.