Author Topic: Does anyone else hear an intense blood curdling scream before they wake up every morning?  (Read 2071 times)

maybe matthew because your the only one getting it its a sign

maybe matthew because your the only one getting it its a sign
I'm not getting stuff.
I was asking for a friend.

ya when i was 9 i kept hearing weird ass screams whenever i woke up. it was like that 1 scream from majora's mask and it was like 5 seconds long but it was super loud. no one else heard it so i was probably having a nightmare, this went on for a week, and i also had a lot of sleep paralysis in that week [shi* is super scary . ]

Most people don't know that when you dream that dream gains self awareness and when you wake up the dreams you've had that night die

That scream is literally your dreams dieing

one time i literally woke myself up screaming "badspot"
i dont remember the context of the dream

one time i literally woke myself up screaming "badspot"
you've been infected

i didn't heard screaming to my ear when i was sleeping.
(it's from previous last day. today is night time, look at clock.)
« Last Edit: February 27, 2018, 02:35:27 PM by lykakspars »

torin was fighting badspot in his dream and he got tossed off a cliff

The only thing that I get that I can equate to this is when I'm about to fall asleep sometimes I'll see a flash of white and a loud beep; when it does happen it happens a couple times before I fall asleep for real.

Try telling your friend to increase their intake of Zinc, Calcium, and Vitamin D. Might not help the screaming, but in general it should help mental health.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2018, 02:37:48 PM by Gamefandan »

why can i feel pain in my dreams

The only thing that I get that I can equate to this is when I'm about to fall asleep sometimes I'll see a flash of white and a loud beep; when it does happen it happens a couple times before I fall asleep for real.
Ummm... flash and beeps should look like Alarm clock wants you to wake up.

Ummm... flash and beeps should look like Alarm clock wants you to wake up.

I don't use an alarm clock and it happens when I'm falling asleep, not when I'm waking up. It's the same neurological disorder that OP's friend experiences.

I've experienced something like this once about five years ago. I vividly remember a roaring explosion, and a woman's voice talking to me while it got louder. I don't remember what she said. I have a pretty bad fear of nuclear annihilation, and I had thought that was what was occuring, and that the voice was some sort of afterlife. But no, just a really scary dream. I woke up sweating profusely.