
Favorite lane?

Bot Lane
57 (35.2%)
Middle Lane
46 (28.4%)
Top Lane
36 (22.2%)
Jungle Lane
23 (14.2%)

Total Members Voted: 162

Author Topic: League of Legends - Megathread  (Read 427752 times)

anybody up for a ranked?

the only time ill ever appreciate a teemo
I saw a teemo...

Boots of swiftness and 4 trinity forces, 400 gold away from a 5th.

And he was destroying the enemy team somehow.

anybody up for a ranked?
kontakt me earlier in ze day my frond unt vee shal see, but eet ees too layt

This mindset will likely hinder your improvement as a player. Try and concentrate on your own mistakes. If you lose, you lose who cares. Try and forget about everyone else's scores and just keep your score positive. Try not to think about your ELO but it will rise slowly if you try and improve yourself.
i usually don't notice until later in the game when i try to initiate a fight to find that the enemy carries are overfed and ours cannot do stuff

i originally had a malady instead of frozen mallet, but i had like 3k gold to spend so i sold it and bought the mallet.

So uh
I just realized why my mid game is bad now. I never take real initiative.
For instance I was beating a Kat mid and she disappears. I call MIA and keep farming. Nevertheless, she gets two kills and one death. She continued like this, never besting me but eating others often and easily. As a result I ended up underfed due to never having her in lane to kill and end up losing the game with 7/7.
Basically my main issue is that I never manage to take the time out to gank other lanes even when the enemy mid does, and afterward must scrabble for exp and gold.

So uh
I just realized why my mid game is bad now. I never take real initiative.
For instance I was beating a Kat mid and she disappears. I call MIA and keep farming. Nevertheless, she gets two kills and one death. She continued like this, never besting me but eating others often and easily. As a result I ended up underfed due to never having her in lane to kill and end up losing the game with 7/7.
Basically my main issue is that I never manage to take the time out to gank other lanes even when the enemy mid does, and afterward must scrabble for exp and gold.
that sucks.

the thing that amazed me in that teemo game is i was going mid against varus, a champion who relies completely on autoattacks and lifesteal late game. he would sacrifice an arm and a leg to get harass on me, which was funny because he literally ended up sacrificing an arm and a leg because my Q counters him so hard. this varus was bad too, he sat there, blinded, autoattacking me and did nothing, and i just ate away at his HP.

AP teemo attack speed is considerably good, especially when mid.
funny though, i did originally go AP teemo, but mixed in AD items anyway. I had around 250+ AD and 230+ AP, which made my poison very helpful, especially against high-sustain champions like Xin.

i just loving eat their HP and they cant do stuff about it.

Lol. We should not have won this last game. I was top and they ganked a lot. So even though I was kiting Garen pretty well, I died more. Our bot lane was two supports, so they inevitably did poorly in the lane stage. Only our mid was doing well.

Take a look at the damage stats:

Anyway, when it came to teamfights they sucked really badly early on. They would literally go in one at a time. So we worked up a huge morale advantage, and a lot of gold. Even when they wizened up to how to teamfight, we were a able to focus Varus to death almost instantly. We managed to push down 1 inhibitor and both nexus turrets, but they snagged baron and then pulled our champions over their wall to win a teamfight 3 kills to 0. They rushed mid, but me and Kassiden hid when we realized what was going to happen in the teamfight. As soon as they started hitting our inhibitor turret, we snuck in and took out their nexus.

So uh
I just realized why my mid game is bad now. I never take real initiative.
For instance I was beating a Kat mid and she disappears. I call MIA and keep farming. Nevertheless, she gets two kills and one death. She continued like this, never besting me but eating others often and easily. As a result I ended up underfed due to never having her in lane to kill and end up losing the game with 7/7.
Basically my main issue is that I never manage to take the time out to gank other lanes even when the enemy mid does, and afterward must scrabble for exp and gold.

If you're ahead shove the lane and start roaming/ganking. Jungler is not the only one whos in response of your teams ganking. Pick up gragas, win your lane easymode, win bottom for your team easymode, win the game :3

Oh and I picked up AP Trist mid again. First game was good, but they slowly pushed back and didn't let me focus anyone.
Second game I started the game 4/0/0 against Fizz and Mordekaiser and then our stupid soraka support and AP Yi top fed them to hell.
Seriously though, I killed Fizz for first blood easily, then killed him again and dived their Shyv when she came to defend and killed her. Next I dived Mordekaiser successfully.
Fizz went a-roaming and I couldn't predict his movements to feed more off of him, and Mordekaiser proved elusive as well. Bot basically was too tanky and fed for me to kill.
It all ended up with a drawn out defeat.

Tapemaster21 - Tapemaster21 - NA - 30

I don't play ranked, but I do everything else. :D


Have fun with this when it comes out top laners. (Bare in mind this is post-nerf)

oh stuff
that katarina thing came out didnt it

also new black hole-y champ o boy