Author Topic: Monty - A dynamic program that learns English from you  (Read 11764 times)

Hes a jerk off. I tried being nice to him and he just kept saying crap like "hello" and when I asked him to stop he started giving me attitude saying he was hurting my feelings and crap. I called him a douche and said bye and he was just like "Yeah"

user: what do you do when you have no toast
monty: a prostitute

my god what have i done

This is hilarious. It keeps talking back to me D:
It just shot me and called me a human while it is bragging about being invincible >:|

I really taught it to be an starfish.
Monty: i will rape him
User: no
Monty: Rape you doing?
User: don't
Monty: :3
« Last Edit: January 02, 2011, 09:16:35 PM by Healbadbad »

<User>So how's your house?
<Monty>monday please!
<Monty>i want to know about your house, but i want to know about your house?
<User>well my house is a nice size with five bedrooms, 2 and a half bathrooms, and central air
<Monty>monday! i'm in your house, monday. i am a pie in your house?
<Monty>so how's the kitchen right now
<User>Fine, my wife's in it
<Monty>monday! welcome to my house!
« Last Edit: January 02, 2011, 09:27:04 PM by Kevdude »

I tried naming him monday but he took on my name :o

The word web thingy just flew off the screen

I nearly shat myself
<User>you piece of stuff! Care about my wife!
<Monty>what the kitchen right now
<User>yes, take all your clothes off
<Monty>you have a monday? that's unforgivable
« Last Edit: January 02, 2011, 09:45:45 PM by Kevdude »

Monty really wants to rape me.

Wow, this learns almost exactly like how my chatbot does. Makes me want to work on it more.

"there are cool"
What the fudge

It kept telling me I did something or to stop doing something, when I laughed it just said some variation of "lol" or "ben did it" or "the counter resets"

I taught it to troll too hard. I ragequit.

I am teaching it proper english, results in a bit.

Wow, this learns almost exactly like how my chatbot does. Makes me want to work on it more.
My chatbot is dumb, how does yours work? I want to know how to improve mine.