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Messages - Dillpickle

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 263
Off Topic / Re: The Chronology of the Blockland Forums
« on: May 15, 2024, 09:35:05 PM »
initiate digging
i am not getting sucked into the mining server again, that was many hours of clicking and realizing that it's a bottomless pit. and some starfish killed me with dynamite so i lost my good rocks.

Off Topic / Re: The Chronology of the Blockland Forums
« on: May 14, 2024, 04:07:16 PM »
when you're at rock bottom, the only direction for you is up!

that's the cleanest top removal i've seen from the 11+8 bridge, damn. I chuckled at the passerbys who took their phone out, I almost expected someone sitting there during rush hour just watching carnage happen

Off Topic / Re: protip, don't smash your finger
« on: May 06, 2024, 12:04:48 AM »
was it a tesla truck?  :cookieMonster:

Off Topic / Re: Why do people dislike safety equipment?
« on: May 04, 2024, 02:53:45 PM »
Worked in agriculture, specifically a soybean conditioning plant in rural midwest, and the saying goes that "Safety is on YOU"

Sure, common sense will usually keep your hind safe, however all those safety regulations would slow down the traditional flow of what's been essentially the same process forever. The place wasn't OSHA compliant per-say, since it was in the ag business and there's just, different rules for that. Going from that, to being security for a fortune 500 manufacturing facility and seeing just how much OSHA compliance signs, labeling, walkways, safety hazard training, all of those, yet people still complain that it slows down their processes and adds unnecessary overhead

However, as someone who had their right arm momentarily pinned inside a forklifts mask, because I decided to stand on the forks and wrap my arm around the backrest of the carriage instead of using any sort of cage or platform, and the task I decided to do was easier to do without a scissor lift, I also fell into that 'well forget it lets just get 'er done' mentality. arm is okay, got compensation and checked out, nothing broke, lots of bruising and the arm muscle is still rather stiff and rough, I learned that that safety second bullstuff costs lives and there's not that many jobs out there that I want to risk my wellbeing for anymore.

Coming from someone whose been in the labor market for awhile, it's easy to overlook safety in return for speed, because time is money and the more tasks you can complete in a day generally means more money.

as far as any other safety issues out there, i was the only one at least who wore earplugs near machines, i wore safety glasses more often because i already smacked my head on a handle and nearly took my eye out (legit, it was a very close gash to the eye), all because no one really cared for safety or had the mentality that "well if you get hurt it's because you're an idiot", and that's just because of the culture of manual labor jobs around here

edit: let me add

I get that everyone wants to get done and get out, but goddamn if they don't give me stuff for spending a few seconds to put on some basic gear.

this right here is the reason that people dislike it, it not only costs time to deal with PPE, but even if it's just one person who is being compliant theyre still taking time from everyone else, and because you take a few seconds every single time a routine task is performed it adds up to the mentality that it's a waste of time.

Try and be prepared more and show that it doesn't take effort or time out of continuing the flow of the process by donning PPE, and they may seem more inclined to do it themselves, until then they will view it as a continual pause in process and that gets annoying over time.

General Discussion / Re: What does username RLCBM stand for?
« on: May 03, 2024, 10:20:25 PM »

man never fails to amuse me

Off Topic / Re: Eclipse 2024 - Path of Totality!
« on: April 09, 2024, 12:21:40 AM »
stupid loving cloud cover

Off Topic / Re: Kalphiter
« on: March 23, 2024, 11:52:07 AM »
he still hosts a whole bunch, but yeah goes by Queueueueueuenananard or some stupid stuff and yeah, still chilling.

i tend to remind him that i helped build his 2011-2012 new years party a long time ago, maybe if you're that far back you were in this video itself.

Man watching this video makes me want to throw out a video about Blockland Today, just give an actual summary of what is going on and where everyone went. I've noticed a few Blockland videos showing up showcasing how dead the game is. maybe it's time for another grand ole video lmaoo.

other than that, i'm doing alright. we all still vibing here.

Off Topic / Re: I found myself, also where did everyone go?
« on: March 22, 2024, 01:15:29 PM »
we out here chillin, always have been

Help / Re: Transfer to Steam via Purchase Email
« on: February 28, 2024, 04:13:28 PM »
chances are he will absolutely not stumble upon this thread, nor will he probably check his emails.

i'd say you're forgeted, but i guess anything can happen. good luck

You get a syntax error message on the machine due to insufficient social credit, plus your icon was a ? symbol until I was typing my response, so that goes to show how symbols work on this ancient message board.

I insert a proper Fiat currency that is accepted in the majority of vending machines across the globe

Drama / Re: :)
« on: February 10, 2024, 10:15:26 PM »
yall be on tht expensive shiz, much cheaper to roll your own
ya best to quit if you can - not to mention american spirits are some of the grosest overpriced cigs money can buy
they are absolutely expensive and a good reminder how much money we waste on that stuff.. I've switched to camel blue shorts until I get the full commitment to use these 4mg nicotine gum packs, which I've started to already enjoy more than smoking itself. Been able to quit smoking pot, quit drinking, but yet they say quitting smoking is harder than heroine.

General Discussion / Re: Returning player looking for some info
« on: February 09, 2024, 06:04:58 PM »
There's a few discords out there now where most of us congregate if you want to know who is around and advertise your server that way. This thread has BCC,

there's also Blockland United

Add-Ons / Re: [VEHICLE] Tractor
« on: February 02, 2024, 08:35:58 PM »

you heard it here folks

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