Author Topic: k0mmunist/shacker - obnoxious  (Read 23508 times)

it means i don't care

User was banned for this post
¡Ah! ¡Bienvenidos a la cripta!

kompressor may have been banned but he will forever leave a huge shader scar on everyone ;(
nah man if it's a shader scar just turn shaders off.  then there's no scar

nah man if it's a shader scar just turn shaders off.  then there's no scar
dam.......ur right
u win this time gamer

i'm very late, but even though it was obvious

you know my only question was why exactly did he come back?

to deal the killing blow

to waste money and neurons

I know he's banned, and I'm pretty late, but:
me posting a response =/= caring about it emotionally at all, learn the difference

i'm very late, but even though it was obvious
no wonder he was so insecure about it lol

All I'm saying is that it's weird nix uses a format that he has spent a stuffload of time making everyone aware that he hates.

All I'm saying is that it's weird nix uses a format that he has spent a stuffload of time making everyone aware that he hates.
we know, and we don't care right now.  you know that already.  the only reason you're saying it is to stuff on nix.

we know, and we don't care right now.  you know that already.  the only reason you're saying it is to stuff on nix.

Yet you don't care when nix is stuffting on mathew for his format.

The double standard is real.

Yet you don't care when nix is stuffting on mathew for his format.

The double standard is real.
there is no double standard, he made his own topic seperate from the actual topics matthew was posting.  you willingly brought it straight to nix for the sole purpose of pissing him off and derailing his thread.  you do not get to call double standard when there is no standard to begin with.

Are you not familiar with nix going apestuff over a format?

Because he's using the same format he goes apestuff over.

it's weird.