Author Topic: Hat Pack 5 - Development Topic  (Read 19986 times)

A gas mask from WW1 would be nice.

a bird head of some sort would be neat!

« Last Edit: December 15, 2017, 05:15:30 AM by gr8dayseth »

You don't need to have icons, you can load any model on the server you're on in a client GUI pretty easily. I do it for Jailbreak with hats:

When you mouse over they spin.
i forgot that whenever i made the madman (one of my  first hats.) i had trouble trying to get the alignment because apparently it was broken. i had to rotate the hat 90 degree to the side so it would show up normally in the game.

I'm glad you already have Bane's Mask on the list.

Do you think you could do the ranger helmet from EDF 4.1? I don't know if it would go well on a blockhead.

a pizza box but your head is the pizza

Might be tricky seeing how the player's head is shaped, but I have ideas.


yis indeed


Hell yeah! I love EDF

Make a C3P0 head with a face sorta like C3P0 in blockwars
« Last Edit: December 15, 2017, 04:51:07 PM by Darth C3P0² »

Make a C3P0 head with a face sorta like C3P0 in blockwars

Do you have a reference?

Okay pickin' out my best 3 here
  • A little Blockhead that sits on your head
  • A Tiny Head (Like a shrunken version of the default head that replaces your head but make it colorable)
  • A longer Dimmadome hat, like 4x the height

Sorry I forgeted up my list earlier.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2017, 01:03:43 AM by speeddog73 »

a really long head

I wanna see the new Superhat with that SO BADLY
« Last Edit: December 15, 2017, 10:55:48 PM by speeddog73 »

he said 3 suggestions speed