Author Topic: Broken Add-on - Need help fixing  (Read 2009 times)

These events aren't working, If anyone knows where i can get a working version or are willing to fix this I would appreciate it.

Thank you.

I have it but you will have to go wait until later

I have it but you will have to go wait until later

Alright thanks man.

download the fixed prompt events this topic

download the fixed prompt events this topic

Thanks man, I was on your server the other day and was asking if for coding help, you asked me my discord. Its yeahbuddy100 #2799

download the fixed prompt events this topic

I just tested it, it comes up blank with only a yes/no option in the prompt. am i doing something wrong?

onactivate - self - promptclient - msg

I just tested it, it comes up blank with only a yes/no option in the prompt. am i doing something wrong?

onactivate - self - promptclient - msg

you need to specify the prompt events that will be triggered in the last box for example 1,2 will trigger events 1 and 2. I've went ahead and PM'd you a more in-depth guide