
What is your favorite season?

Black Ice
2 (22.2%)
Dust Line
0 (0%)
Skull Rain
1 (11.1%)
Red Crow
1 (11.1%)
Velvet Shell
1 (11.1%)
2 (22.2%)
Blood Orchid
2 (22.2%)
White Noise
0 (0%)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 9

Author Topic: The Rainbow Six: Siege Megathread (OPERATION PARA BELLUM)  (Read 31220 times)

Rainbow Six: Siege is a Attack/Defense Strategy FPS game which heavily relies on tactics and teamwork.
There are 4 modes on Rainbow Six: Siege:
Learn the basics by doing basic missions. (Solo)
Terrorist Hunt:
Play against bots. (Solo or Team)
First to 3. 5v5 online matches against other players. (Team)
Best of 5. (First to 4, 5 during overtime)(Team)
There are 3 different modes that can be played on these modes.
On attack, try to extract the hostage or kill all defenders.
On defense, try to defend the hostage from being extracted or killing all attackers.
If the hostage is killed by the attacker, defenders win, and vice versa.
Secure Area
A biohazard container is placed in a room.
On attack, you must take the area the container is in for a certain amount of time or kill all defenders.
On defense, you must defend the area the container is in until the round ends or kill all attackers.
2 bombs are placed in areas in the map.
On attack, you must plant a defuser given to a random player in the room of the bomb, and protect the defuser or kill all defenders.
On attack, you must prevent the defuser from getting plant until the round ends or kill all attackers.
Terrorist Hunt Classic (T-Hunt exclusive)
Kill all terrorists in the map.
Year 1
Blitz: Body shield with a triggerable flash. (5 uses)
IQ: Gadget that scans electronics. (Unlimited uses)
Bandit: Gadget that shocks electronics and enemies when coming in contact. (Placeable on Reinforced walls and barbed wire)(4 gadgets)
Jäger: Gadget that shoots grenades out of the air when in range. (3 gadgets, 2 shots each)
Fuze: Gadget place-able on destructive walls, fires 5 mini-grenades into a room. (3 gadgets)
Glaz: Semi-auto sniper with thermal scope. (Unlimited uses [until ammo runs out])
Kapkan: Damaging explosive traps placeable on doorways and windows. (5 gadgets)
Tachanka: Placeable, immobile turret with 500 HP weapon shield in front. (1 gadget, unlimited uses [until ammo runs out])
Montagne: Body shield which deploys into full body shield. (Unlimited uses)
Twitch: Shock drone which can shock and destroy gadgets, and deal damage to players. (2 gadgets, 15 uses each)
Doc: Stim Pistol that, when in contact, heals player by 40 HP. (3 uses)
Rook: Deployable body armor that gives players more resistance against bullets. (1 gadget, 5 armor plates)
Thermite: Charges that can breach reinforced walls. (2 gadgets)
Ash: Shoot-able breaching rounds to break unreinforced walls. (2 uses)
Castle: Barricades stronger than typical wooden barriers (taken down in 13 hits instead of 3). (3 gadgets)
Pulse: Heartbeat sensor that scans hearbeats from up to 9 meters. (Unlimited uses)
Sledge: Breaching hammer to breach unreinforced walls. (25 uses)
Thatcher: EMP Grenades that destroy gadgets in a certain range. (3 gadgets)
Mute: Jammer that jams electronics in a certain radius, rendering said-gadgets useless. (4 gadgets)
Smoke: Triggerable lethal smoke grenades which deal damage. (3 uses)
Buck: Under-Barrel shotgun attachment. (Unlimited uses [until ammo runs out])
Frost: Bear traps that put players in a downed stage with no mobility. (3 gadgets)
Blackbeard: Deployable rifle shield protecting face. (2 gadgets, 60 HP each)
Valkyrie: Cameras placeable anywhere on the map, usable by all teammates. (3 gadgets)
Capitão: Crossbow that can shoot fire-arrows or blue smoke. (2 fire arrows, 2 smoke arrows)
Caveira: Can interrogate attackers that are in a downed stage, reveals all attackers' positions to defenders for 10 seconds. (Unlimited uses)
Hibana: Shootable charges that can destroy reinforced walls (3 uses)
Echo: Drone that can roam around, but can jump on roof and turn translucent. While on roof, can stun enemies. (1 gadget, 3 uses [reloads over time])
Year 2
Jackal: When enabled, can track footprints, and scan them to reveal location every 10 seconds 4 times each time. (Unlimited uses, 3 scans)
Mira: 1-sided window that can be permanently opened on activation. (2 gadgets)
Ying: Can throw special bombs that release 5 mini-flashbangs. You can also set a delay, depending on how long you hold the gadget in. (3 gadgets)
Lesion: Spike traps that turn invisible on the ground, and release toxic punji sticks. Players must take the time to take these out, leaving them vulnerable. (8 gadgets; 1 every 30 seconds)
Polish GROM
Zofia: Has a grenade launcher which can fire impact nades and concussive mines. 50% of concussion mine effect is reduced. (2 impacts, 4 concussive mines)
Ela: Concussion mine (that can stick to any surface) which concusses an enemy. Similar to Zofia's mines, but without a speed change. (3 mines)
Dokkabei: Can ring all defender's cell phones (minus Echo). Like Lesion, players must stop and disable their phone unless they want it ringing constantly. Additionally, Dokkabei can take said phones off of dead defenders and hack into cameras, giving all attackers access to defender cameras. (2 calls, 1 hack (only one is needed))
Vigil: Can turn invisible to drones and hacked cameras. (Cool-down system)
Year 3
Lion: Can reveal the location of all moving defenders in the map. (Cool-down system, 2 uses)
Finka: Gives an adrenaline boost to all teammates with a load of effects, including 20+ health, speed boost, recoil reduction, reload time decreased, faster ADS time, and boost revives downed teammates (if there are any more, i'msorryicantlistthemall).
Alibi: Places down holograms of Alibi that, when in contact with attacker objects, detect the enemy. (3 holograms)
Maestro: Places indestructible turrets that can destroy enemy gadgets and deal 5 damage. Turret is vulnerable to bullets when shooting. (Cooldown system, 2 turrets)
« Last Edit: June 15, 2018, 01:04:05 PM by RazerBL »

Year 1 Roadmap

Year 2 Roadmap

Year 3 Roadmap

Forum Post Updates
• Cleaned up Operator section
• Added more links
• Updated "Basics" board with more information

• Changed Season 2 (Operation Health)
• Updated Roadmap
• New Six Invitational section
• Completed the Year 2 section of operators

• Outbreak Stats
• Added CBRN operators
• Added year 3 roadmap
• 30M players poster
• Added each operator's operator icons
• Added wiki in links section, and a link to view operators in further detail
• White Noise Bomb Stats
• Added Infographics/Images section
« Last Edit: April 22, 2018, 01:55:40 AM by RazerBL »


30M Players

Outbreak Stats

White Noise Bomb Stats

« Last Edit: April 22, 2018, 01:54:40 AM by RazerBL »

I had a lot of fun with this during the open beta but I don't know if I'd buy it.

I had a lot of fun with this during the open beta but I don't know if I'd buy it.
Its worth it

i hate glaz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saving up for Buck rn.

I had a lot of fun with this during the open beta but I don't know if I'd buy it.
It is worth it. It has gotten loads of updates to make it better than the beta.

need to get one of the 25k operators, but don't know which one. considering mira cuz of the totally op vector.

need to get one of the 25k operators, but don't know which one. considering mira cuz of the totally op vector.

It has the effective range of a shotgun though lol. You basically have to land all headshots to make it work.

But what kind of style do you enjoy most? (How do you play?)

It has the effective range of a shotgun though lol. You basically have to land all headshots to make it work.

But what kind of style do you enjoy most? (How do you play?)

defending, i'm most likely to break a decent chunk of a wall by a stairwell, away from fuze-able windows, and just go to town when i see enemies coming.

attacking, i tend to act more sneaky. i pretty much go from the top floor top to the bottom floor and be as quiet as possible.

It has the effective range of a shotgun though lol. You basically have to land all headshots to make it work.
If you compensate the recoil, the Vector is a pretty effective killing machine. It can shred through opponents. Mira is good on CQB maps, like Border. Again, like Rykuta said, it depends on your play style.