Author Topic: RGB switcher thingy  (Read 474 times)

I got bored, so I made some sort of program that somehow switches the RGB components of an image.

Click the image if you want to download the program.

Now we know. When I get bored, I decide to change the color components of images through a two-minute program.

EDIT: Wait, crap, I just realized that the picture is backwards. The originals are on the side and where they go is on the top.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2012, 02:26:06 AM by Xalos »

people with too much time on their hands make wonderfull things

All EXEs are viruses. No exceptions. You will now be banned. The rules really should be loosened a bit.

Visual Basic is quite fun and making user interfaces is very simple.

All EXEs are viruses. No exceptions. You will now be banned. The rules really should be loosened a bit.

All EXEs are viruses. No exceptions. You will now be banned. The rules really should be loosened a bit.

Visual Basic is quite fun and making user interfaces is very simple.
This, I love making things in visual basic