Author Topic: Beachbum111111 -- All homeschooled people are social outcasts!  (Read 11428 times)

So you may or may not have seen that "Homeschooled vs. Public schooled" thread in off topic. It basically is a thread where MillCzarr listed four types of home schooled and public schooled people, albeit very blunt, also listing the pro and cons of them. Things were going fine with little to know arguments until Beachbum111111 started posting misinformed claims about how "Homeschooling makes you a social outcast" and so on. Basic stuff.

So it started out by him claiming that "public schools are better" without any sort of proof backing him up.

Public schools are better
I responded with
you're so misinformed lol

lack of social interaction (homeschooling) > stupidity (public schooling)
And he threw out the old "public schooling makes you not know how to obey" card.
If you don't learn how to socialize/obey your boss your forgeted
So I countered:
I know how to socialize. I said a lack of social interaction, I'm not a social outcast or socially awkward or anything.
And his response:
Learning subjects in school is half of what you are supposed to learn. Socializing with the other students is the other half. A lot of jobs out there require you to be social
So! Let's get this straight. Being around 500 other students which you are thrust apon to find a diamond in the rough half your day in which you are also learning from teachers who are appointed by the state, eating terrible lunches and learning as fast as the slowest kid in your class is better than learning at your own pace by your parents which you have a nice relationship with, and being able to do school on your own schedule? That's really great logic there. On to the next quote.

I was home schooled until grade 3. It didn't help a bit when I went to public school.
And being homeschooled when you were eight would help you how? You are still learning the basics before you are around 10, at which time you start learning the more advanced things.

Again. Social skills are required for life.

Social skills are required for life, yes. But I'm still not sure how being given 500 students to befriend gives you more social skills than pursuing them.

Didn't really know how to talk to people. However public school helped that.

This is too personal to make a claim of. Most homeschooled students have a youth group or other activity and that helps them talk to people.

It's easier because you see them every day

How exactly did you get the idea that homeschooled children don't see their friends every day?

I have. Your doing it wrong

Tell me again how football, baseball, or basketball help you develop social skills, life skills aside.

Your not even defending yourself your just insulting me. Which isn't helping your case

I think you're the one calling homeschooled children stupid.

Stop caring like everyone else

I counter with:

If you speak this language every day and say you have gotten an education you damn well should care about it.

Next quote:

At least I am defending myself without raging.

"Showing arguments that are completely valid but are against your arguments" isn't exactly raging.

You do realize in the real world no one criticizes grammar because they would get there ass kicked

This is nullifying your "you can't get a job if you're home schooled" argument. Most employers won't hire those who cannot take criticism.

Forgot :P

And you're saying you forgot a post you made not thirty minutes before. This is clearly a lie.

Now, I'm not saying that homeschooling doesn't have it's downsides, but this is quite clearly the weakest argument I've seen in awhile. Discuss him.

To be fair, you implied that all public schools are terrible compared to home-schooling (which isn't true).

Social skills are required for life, yes. But I'm still not sure how being given 500 students to befriend gives you more social skills than pursuing them.
because you're not facing the same social pressures

now i've actually skimmed through the topic. still not with you guys on this

yeah, home schooled kids are free to go socialize when they want. what they're still not exposed to are the social pressures every kid faces during normal schooling. you guys can't match the inevitably forming social classes that all schools eventually have. why's that important? life still has a class system, have fun being royally screwed up by not understanding the system and where you fall.

i'd also love to see the statistics of home many home schooled kids get a girlfriend/boyfriend during their schooling. i'd bet it'd be severely reduced, because the interaction is something that has to be done intentionally rather than boys just being with girls because they're your classmates. why's that important? school is where you learn how to interact with the opposite love so that by the time you're out in the world you're not a bumbling virgin who's awkward to touch someones hand or grab someone around the waist. no girl is going to think you're cute not knowing what you're doing, there are probably a 100 better looking normal guys that do.

we had 4 home schooled kids join us in our last senior year for high school. they all performed pretty well academically, so good on them. by the time we had hit that last year, the whole year was one giant group who all ate together, talked together, nobody left out - all inclusive. the 4 home schooled kids were as awkward as forget and i don't think ever made eye contact with another person, let alone talked to us.

point is, there are a lot of hard lessons you get during schooling that you're not going to be able to replicate at home unless your mummy decides to become a bully or hire a girl to flirt with you.

To be fair, you implied that all public schools are terrible compared to home-schooling (which isn't true).
sry mister scandanavia top education in the whirled

He just wants to be part of the kool kids klub that are social and popular at school.

It was a friendly debate. This drama wasn't really necessary.

He just wants to be part of the kool kids klub that are social and popular at school.

It was a friendly debate. This drama wasn't really necessary.

no it wasnt.

To be fair, you implied that all public schools are terrible compared to home-schooling (which isn't true).

Good point. Not all public schools are terrible, but in that same point neither are all home schools. There are probably a lot of bad home schools are it's no doubt the same with public schools.

because you're not facing the same social pressures

I agree with you here. I think that home schooling is useless if all you do is learn at an abnormally high level and then just sit around reading books. Social interaction is very needed in life, and there should always be a medium between a proper education and a good social life. There are a lot of programs that do this and homeschooling groups usually do some sort of thing like this.

It was a friendly debate. This drama wasn't really necessary.

if it was friendly, i don't think people would've been suggesting to drama you

if it was friendly, i don't think people would've been suggesting to drama you

Again: people take things too seriously

Again: people take things too seriously

i dont think reacting to you saying that anyone who knows proper grammar should have thier damn kneecaps busted.