Author Topic: And now more stuffty servers ayy  (Read 3448 times)

Hello, last time i made a drama post it was about a loving cancerous FNAF roleplay, and to my (Non existent) surprise, there's ANOTHER one i have to talk about. No, it may not be FNAF (praise the sun) but in fact a fallout RP called Dom the gallades fallout RP (Oh whoopdie loving doo, someone with an OC name, you know this is gonna be fantastic kids.)

So here's the story, i joined, took a look around. I usually look around to see if an RP's good or not, this one looked OK, but the map isn't the point THE MOTHER loving ADMINS WERE TERRIBLE. So, this admin called "jurisimoniu" or some stuff, started being mean to some guy for "Fail rping." While doing this in all caps and stuff grammar, i decided to step in by saying a few things like telling him to stop and what not. So after this he started directing the insults over to me, so i let out my inner grammar national socialist and started correcting to maybe get him to stop or some stuff, and then he started telling me to kill myself and other horrible things. So we were having a full on argument, before i got banned permanently for this reason: STOP BEING MEAN TO A ADMIN. After this bullstuff event i went onto the beautiful glorious godlike blockland forums blockland forums and posted this post and stuff.

So if you're ever looking around for a good RP server, whatever you do stay away from that one.
Tune in next millennium for another stuffty post from themasterofblocks (also known as bloxcer, and no i do not play roblox, the name has nothing to do with it :I)

(Also sorry for some stuffty grammar, im polish and English isn't my second language..)

With the brilliant evidence you brought us, this will sure go on the right track!

loving cancerous FNAF roleplay

(Oh whoopdie loving doo, someone with an OC name, you know this is gonna be fantastic kids.)

so i let out my inner grammar national socialist and started correcting to maybe get him to stop or some stuff,

Tune in next millennium for another stuffty post from themasterofblocks

golly aren't you the most friendliest chap

With the brilliant evidence you brought us, this will sure go on the right track!
I didn't have time to post pictures, i will try to get pictures next time i post another world famous stuffty server story a drama post about a server

golly aren't you the most friendliest chap
Welcome to the internet, are you new? Would you like a tour?

beautiful glorious godlike blockland forums blockland forums

another world famous stuffty server story a drama post about a server

are you enjoying contradicting yourself for le epic memes?

Welcome to the internet, are you new? Would you like a tour?

yeah forget off

"the internet" isn't an excuse to be a richard, go back to 4chan

are you enjoying contradicting yourself for le epic memes?

yeah forget off

"the internet" isn't an excuse to be a richard, go back to 4chan

Hm, maybe loving off is a good idea, could take a break from most of the cigarettes here at blockland forums.....

But 4chan? Oh god no, i got raped there there's child research and the other stuff.

(Spoiler: I.Don't.Give.A.Single.forget.About. What.You.Think.

you're an starfish op

Hm, maybe loving off is a good idea, could take a break from most of the cigarettes here at blockland forums.....

(Spoiler: I.Don't.Give.A.Single.forget.About. What.You.Think.

No, just you.

The world is like a mirror. If you're nice, you'll see nice people. If you're an starfish, you'll see starfishs.

You're an starfish so you see everyone being an starfish to you because you were an starfish to them.

no, just you
So, what you're saying out of the 8 billion people on the planet earth im the only starfish? uh, that doesn't sound right.