Author Topic: Gamemode_ConnectFour  (Read 9236 times)

A remake of the iconic board game, 'Connect 4'

Description & Features

This is a multiplayer server gamemode. Two players play each other and the rest of the server watches and waits their turn. Use '/help' ingame to view all the commands. It is not recommended to host this gamemode above 12 players.
The gamemode features many handy things including..
  • Automatic Queue
  • Stats and playtime tracker
  • /helpMechanics for game information
  • Nicely built arena
  • Global leaderboard
  • Freebuild area
  • Loading screen
  • Admin brick system integration
  • Automatically configured server settings



Mirror 6/19/19

Required Addons

« Last Edit: June 24, 2019, 05:37:56 AM by The Brighter Dark »

says im missin add ons whats up with That

says im missin add ons whats up with That

I didn't think it was necessary to include the required addons because there really are not that many, and the ones that are required are fairly common for people to have. If you're missing some add-ons, search for them here.

I didn't think it was necessary to include the required addons because there really are not that many, and the ones that are required are fairly common for people to have. If you're missing some add-ons, search for them here.
That’s a pretty unprofessional and lazy thing to do not gonna lie.

Wow, this gamemode requires so little add-ons!

Oh yea...i guess there's more bricks than I thought! Most of those are so the freebuild aspect of the gamemode doesn't suck, but of course anyone can edit what they don't want.

I didn't think it was necessary to include the required addons because there really are not that many
but of course anyone can edit what they don't want.